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What’s Happening in the Month of June or Junio

June 12th- Puerto Rican Day Parade in NYC

Image by Ken Rogers from Pixabay

The celebration is back! The Puerto Rican Day Parade is a celebration of the Puerto Rican culture and heritage. You will hear music, see dancing, and smell good food! The parade is a long tradition in NYC. It showcases Puerto Rican pride, and you will see the different Latino dances and costumes. You will have a chance to see a glimpse of Puerto Rican people. Enjoy and have a good time! WEPA!

Juneteenth- June 19th

Image by Wynn Pointaux from Pixabay

Juneteenth is an important day in history. June 19, 1865 was the day that slaves in Galveston, Texas found out that they were free. Juneteenth also known as Freedom Day, Black 4th of July, Emancipation Day or June 19th is now a federal holiday declared by President Joe Biden in 2021. Celebrate Juneteenth in the way that is most meaningful to you. Some things that people do are to patronize black owned businesses, have a cookout, gather with family/friends or go to Juneteenth events held in their local area.

Father’s Day- June 19th

Image by Lawrence Crayton from Pixabay

Happy Father’s Day! Let’s celebrate all the dads out there. This is an important time to recognize the fathers out there who are taking care of business. Thank you!! We need the men who have children to realize the important role they play and how much they are needed in their children’s lives.

LGBTQ- June is Pride Month

In the month of June, we can learn about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer community. This is a time to acknowledge the challenges they face and learn about how society can help to overcome the stigma surrounding people of this lifestyle. The LGBTQ community faces discrimination, hate and inequality. They just want to enjoy basic human rights and be themselves FREELY, like everyone else.

Image by Filmbetrachter from Pixabay

June is National DJ Month

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

This month celebrates DJs (disc jockeys). A lot of DJs don’t get the shine they deserve but they are a vital part of the entertainment industry. DJs get the crowd moving and ensures that everyone have a good time. Disc jockeys showcase their spin skills for radio, TV, public/private events, and parties. Music is a universal language and when you have someone who knows how to play some vinyl it’s a win-win for everyone. When we dance it releases endorphins and helps to reduce stress too. Thank your favorite DJ the next time they play something you can shake your booty to. 🙂

National Headache and Migraine Awareness Month

A headache and migraine are two different things. A headache is not as debilitating as a migraine. Some people with migraines can be sensitive to light, sounds and even smells. Usually, you can take over-the-counter medicine to relieve a headache. Migraines on the other hand require a bit more medical care. One way to show support for sufferers of migraines and chronic headache is by wearing Purple. Also, learning more about this and talking about it helps to raise awareness. For information about causes and how to relieve these symptoms click the link from the National Institutes of Health.

Headaches: What You Need To Know | NCCIH (

Gemini and Cancer- Happy Birthday to the Twins and Crabs born in June!

Image by Impermanent from Pixabay
Image by Impermanent from Pixabay

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