
Should I Head to the Polls?

Your Vote

Voting season is here. As this election will be coming to a close soon, there was a monumental change in the running. The current president of the United States dropped out of the race for re-election. Consequently, the vice president, has decided to accept the nomination for office. In light of this some people may wonder if they should head to the polls.

Have you ever really stopped to think about the reasons you go to the polling place? Are you someone who thinks, why should I vote? If so, what makes you question the privilege of exercising your vote? Some will say that their one vote does not count and will not matter. If I vote, nothing will change.

Others will say that they vote in every election, it’s just what they do. It’s the American way to vote. It’s my civic duty to go to the polls. Do you feel that by not voting, the entire process will go away, and citizens will no longer be able to vote at all? I’m sure you have heard these sentiments at one time or another.

Numerous reasons will be cited for going to the polls to vote. Why do you vote? Is it a tradition for each election and something you just do. Do you want the free pen, button and sticker that says, “I voted”. Is it that you stand behind a certain candidate and are showing support. Do you cast your vote with the notion that it will make a positive change?

You Decide

It can be said that some people have a better sense of well -being when they participate in the process. Taking advantage of the freedom to vote holds a level of empowerment.

Voting is your way of standing for what you believe in and making your voice heard. The process of voting can positively affect the future of society. While the actual method of the way we hold elections may be flawed there are perks to voting.

I am not asking who you vote for or your political affiliation. I am just posing the question of your reason(s) for heading to the polls. What appeals most to you about the voting process?

As always, thank you for reading.

Image credit: Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

Just Because

Question, why?

August 27th is National Just Because Day. It is day to switch it up and do things, just because. Random acts of kindness are one way to celebrate this day. Do something out of the norm. Be spontaneous. You call the shots. It is a few days away, so put your thinking cap on and come up with things to do on this day.

  • Send a nice gift or a card to a loved one.
  • Pay it forward by paying for someone in the line either ahead or behind you.
  • Treat yourself to something nice that you have been eyeing for a while.
  • Call a friend or family member just to say hello and see how they are doing.
  • Spread the word on social media. Let people know about this special day and many people can get in on it. The more the merrier.
  • Bake a cake from the box mix if you have a sweet tooth. Remember as a child, licking the bowl of batter mix 🙂
  • Wear mixed matched socks.

You get the idea of what this day is all about. So, make it fun and do something just because. Don’t overthink it and do something without any rhyme or reason. You have a few days to plan something if that is what you want to do or just free style it and do what comes to mind on Tuesday, 27th of August.


Tell a Joke Day-August 16

Tell a Joke Day

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Thank you for reading. Stay well and be blessed!


Mommy, My Doll Doesn’t Look Like Me

Mommy, My Doll Doesn’t Look Like Me

Growing up and playing with toys, including dolls is a normal thing. It is fun and it encourages children to use their imagination. Then the child says, Mommy, my doll doesn’t look like me. What do you say to this?

Combing the doll’s hair, changing the clothes, playing with the doll house are all a part of the fun. Don’t forget about the voices we used for each doll as we are playing. The tea parties were also a part of playing with dolls.

Does it matter if the doll kids play with are in the child’s likeness? Some would agree that it does matter that the doll have the same hair style/texture, eye color, facial features and color. On the other hand, people say that it does not matter. A doll is a doll, it is just a toy.

Toys- Teddy bear, doll, books and a ball

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It is matter of your personal preference. Playing with dolls that both look like you and those that don’t have advantages. It demonstrates that there are dolls that are beautiful in all shapes and colors. The child can experience the likeness of dolls and learn to grow an appreciation for people who are different than they are.

Just like other toys teddy bears, balls, action figures, etc. There is no color coding, it is just a toy. So, what happens when your child says, “Mommy, my doll doesn’t look like me”. An experiment was conducted in the 1940s where kids were asked to choose between a black and white doll. Majority of the children selected the white doll. Associating positive attributes for their selection.

Now, in 2024, we have such a wide array of choice when it comes to dolls. Back in those days there weren’t many options to choose from. You played with the one you were given, no matter if you liked it or not. Also, we live in such a digital world now that children no longer widely play with dolls.

Child Development

Children are sponges and soak up what they see and hear. Playing with dolls gives them that social development they need. They have a chance to act out certain life experiences and it helps them grow, whether they play with other children or while playing alone. Dolls give kids the chance to build their vocabularies, social skills and enhances their imaginations.

Playing with dolls that are not in the same likeness can help them build empathy and understanding of those who are not the same as them. Especially, if a child is in a school that lacks diversity or grows up in a neighborhood where everyone is of the same background. Some children alter their dolls to change the eye color, cut the hair or crayon the skin of the dolls. All in an attempt to make the doll look more like them.

Does it Matter?

What do you think? How important is it that your child play with dolls that are in their likeness. Do you think it plays a big role in their identity and social development? As a child growing up, did you face challenges as it relates to choice of the doll you played with? Lots of questions but again it is all a matter of personal preference.

As always, thank you for reading. 🙏💗


What’s your Response?

What’s your Response?

If you receive a gift certificate to the gym from your husband or wife, how would you react?

A gift is a gift, right? So, it may seem, but if you receive a gift certificate from your loved one to work out, how would you feel? Would you be happy and accept the gift or get upset by the implication. It can go either way. You decide. What’s your response?

Make your selection below:

Thank you for reading. Stay well and be blessed.

Diversity Info Topic

National Black Business Month

National Black Business Month

Business Meeting

August is National Black Business Month. If you are a business owner this may be a good time to look for opportunities to boost your business. During this month consider marketing your business more. Showcase your services or products. Networking with others can give your business that added edge to increase revenue.

The month of August we celebrate and support Black businesses. You can also use this time to encourage aspiring business owners to start their entrepreneurial projects. Sharing and connecting with people who want to start a business is another way to network.

Being a Black business owner does not come easily. It is not all glitz and glamour. The extra work has to be done in order to make it possible to be able to work for yourself. A sense of accomplishment is felt when you can provide a product or service to help people and contribute to the successes of the economy.

Did you know?

The top three places with the highest numbers of Black owned businesses are New York, Atlanta and Washington, D.C.

How do you celebrate National Black Business Month?

You can spread the word about any products or services that you like.

Shop Black owned businesses.

Research about Black entrepreneurs.

It is important because we can encourage these businesses to keep going and continue to contribute to the economic wealth of not only minority communities, but also the world abroad.

Image credit: Image by Philippe Jacquet from Pixabay


Poem- Until That Day

Until That Day

The inspiration for this poem is my dear father, may he rest in peace.

Emptiness is creeping in
Knowing that missing piece is no longer there
Never to return

Until that day
Waiting to see
Waiting, waiting, just waiting

Time is passing
How can I fill the void
The void of the man who made me
Until that day
Still, I wait

When you look at me, what you don’t see
The depth
My soul
Begging for a glimpse of half of me

Nostalgic father

I am nostalgic

Until that day

The other half of me, where does it come from?
My slanted, crooked smile, my complexion
The Boricua in me, ¿dónde está Papi?
In heaven is where you be

Until that day, I wait

My mom instilled in me
Black, resilience, humility
Black, resilience, humility
She is the half of me
Empty inside? How can this be?

Nostalgic father

I am nostalgic

Two people came together as one
To create me
She is her and he is him
She is here and he is there

Forever encapsulated in my heart you will remain
Thoughts of you never bring feelings of disdain
Although my heart is heavy
Until that day, until that day
That we reunite
The anticipation, anticipation brings me pure delight

Until that day

Nostalgic father