Self Awareness Topic

Risky Business of Complacency

One must not fall into complacency. It is the stuff that makes you stuck and stagnant. As humans, we are not meant to stay in the same place mentally or physically. Of course, our bodies and minds change over time with age. To be complacent means that you are self-satisfied and unaware of any deficiencies. Aloof, and smug also come to mind.

So, you can see that we must not fall into the trap. Being complacent puts us at risk. Again, risk of stagnation leaving no room for personal growth. This is not to say that once you set a goal and have obtained it that you have to continually keep setting more and more non-stop. No, just being aware that you have to work for your spot. You have to earn your position. Do not believe that your presence is all that is required.


Comfort, only, makes, people, lazy, and, creates, eternal, nonchalant, traits.

The world of today has a lot of entitlement. Some people feel that because they are popular and, on a sports team, for example, that they don’t have to do the work. Well, while they think their popularity will keep them on the team, there is someone else working up to taking their spot.

Another example is to feel that you can eat unhealthily for as long as you want because you have a thin stature. You have been lucky enough not to go into cardiac arrest due to clogged arteries. Take your health more seriously, and know that it is not a good idea to think it won’t happen to you.

Comfort is okay but only for so long. At some point, you have to intentionally do something uncomfortable. Something that you always felt that you could not do. Because if you stay in that comfort for too long, guess what comes with it? Complacency.

We are not meant to get to a certain place/time in our lives and just stop. If we happen to fall into this trap, we are missing out on many opportunities. It’s okay to pause and take breaks. Just being for the sake of being, yes.

Another analogy is when you successfully find the relationship you want. Then the things you did to attain the relationship stop once the relationship is going well. No, you must continue in order to sustain it.

How about that “diet” you started. Only to go back to those bad eating habits after you have made you weight goal. What do you think will happen next? Of course, that weight is coming back with a vengeance.

Things do not happen to or for us with little to no effort. We have to work for change and forward movement. It is only to our benefit. We cannot risk our health, hearts, body and minds to being complacent. If you feel yourself getting too comfortable, do something about it. Also remember to be kind to yourself in the process.




Overshadow was written in response to Sadje’s prompt, what do you see?

Image credit: Tom Barrett on Unsplash


Waiting and How It Changes Us

Waiting! Who has time for that? In today’s world a lot of things are instantaneous. We are expecting everything to happen at the speed of light. Well, I hate to break it to you but, sometimes you have to wait.

  • Patience
  • Peace
  • Creativity
  • Relaxation

We may try to move things along by making phone calls or going to speak to someone in person. This approach does not always work. It’s during those times that we get to regroup and refresh our minds. I know we can become frustrated while waiting but that’s where we begin to have patience.

Patience because we have no choice in that moment. Waiting is a humbling experience too. We think we can control the what’s, when’s and how’s but not always. Some things we can do while waiting are straighten up your dresser or bookshelves. Finish that project you have put off for months.

Let peace enter your life. By doing this we can lessen stress by not having to check our busy schedules. While waiting, do the things you like and not the things you have to do. Just be. When was the last time you were in a state of just being… I’ll wait.

Think about it. While waiting you can learn more about who you are and what things bring you peace. Think about the things that bring a smile to your face. We all have ups and downs. While we are in between those two places, waiting is pivotal. We come to the realization that being normal for a day or two and not over-scheduled is wonderful. That is the peace I’m talking about.

When we lack something and are waiting, this is a time that waiting breeds creativity. A short example is if we do not have gas, we lack the ability to drive our car. We may be waiting for payday to fill up again. Take this time to enjoy yourself. No need to stress about driving across town to do an errand you didn’t want to do in the first place.

Waiting also teaches us that it is not always about us, what we want and when we want it. We lose the sense of entitlement, which is where the humble comes into play. We do not have to fill up every slot on our daily calendars. Our bodies and minds need that time of rest and relaxation.

Has waiting changed you in any way?

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Do Not Let It In

Do Not Let It In

Do not let it in
When you hear something scurrying about 
It is so tempting to open the door to investigate
Only to discover when you do
It is none other but the horned figure

The horned figure who is a chameleon
Disguising itself as something other
Other than the green-eyed bandit
Just lying in wait ready to use their pointer

The pointer to out everyone but themselves
When eyes are turned their way
They start to retreat and hide away in the shadow
Voice drops from 3 octaves down to one

One day they are dressed as a psychic
The next as a black belt in karate
Wonder what they will be the next time you see them
Maybe that same horned figure in dirty crocodile shoes

It can be tempting but don’t answer the door
Once the door is open the urge is hard to resist slamming it shut
Let the horned figure stay busy trying to get in
For they have nothing else to do

Do not let it in


Image by David Senior from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

I’ll Be Happy When…

I’ll Be Happy When…

 When I lose 15 pounds... 

Enjoy the journey of transformation and relish in the fact that you have the courage to make a change for your health

 When I get that promotion... 

Enjoy being a part of something for a bigger purpose.  The right opportunity will present itself when you are not looking 

 When I retire... 

Enjoy being able to sustain yourself and all the wonderful people you meet along the way 

 When I get a bigger house... 

Enjoy the amenities you have and being able to come home and close your own door having a peaceful place to lay your head 

 When I get a new car... 

Enjoy the independence of being able to get around and not having to stress about how you can move about  

 When I get a husband/wife... 

Enjoy your life and the people in it who show you love.  That husband/wife may be in your life right now, but you can’t see them with only one eye open.   

Just think about the now and all the moments that you are living in NOW.  We may never get that promotion, or bigger house or newer car.  Enjoy what you have now, tomorrow is not promised.  Be happy today!  

Image by Michaela on Pixabay

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

What it Really Means to Be a Boss

What does it mean to be a boss?  Excellent!  Outstanding! People have their own interpretation of the word.  Some people take it to the extreme.  Being a boss does not mean that you must be bossy. I know this is confusing. How can you be a boss and not be bossy?  

Easy. Being a boss means that you have a level of control and stability. You have control over your circumstances and things that you do in life. You have stability in areas of your life that are important to you. What being a boss does not mean is bossing people around. Be the adjective of a boss and not the verb.

I am speaking to women on this subject. I think the colloquial term of being a boss, has gone too far. People are taking this out of context, and it is starting to have adverse effects. When you take your Boss self and start to do ugly things to people with your words and actions, do not be confused when people steer away from you.

You do not have to be bossy to let people know that you are in control. You do not have to be bossy to prove a point that you got this! That you are your own person. The boss in you will manifest itself. Others notice this and may or may not acknowledge it.

Green check mark sign png

What a boss does

  • Loves herself
  • Says no without guilt
  • Is financially stable
  • Calls the shots
  • Has courage to ask for help

What a boss is not and/or does not do

  • Judgmental
  • Treat others badly
  • Talk down to people
  • Arrogant
  • Boastful
hands holding a placard and a megaphone

You can still be a boss, while simultaneously being a mother, wife, and sister. Please remember that you can still be outstanding and excellent without the negative undertones. Do not forget that you can still show your feminine side and call the shots. Stand your ground and be classy about it.

However, it can get lonely when you become too ambitious. A few people may fall out of your life while you are busy being a boss. Check in on people that you might not have seen or spoken to in a while. Remember that everyone needs someone.

What do you say it really means to be a boss?