Diversity Topic

What Right Do You Have to Be A Woman?

Correct me if I’m wrong but, we are in the year 2022? And this is the United States? This is not a country that discourages women to educate themselves, right? Is anyone listening?!

So, why is there this controversy about a woman’s right to have an abortion? There should be no question about a woman having the right and freedom to choose what she does with her body. Abortion rights should not be in the hands of government. How did we get here as a country?

Past and Present

Well, let’s see… Women have not always had the same freedoms and privileges as their male counterparts. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. Playing sports for women came around the year 1920. Women were finally made a part of the military in the year 1948. Some countries still try to block women from getting an education. Also, women make less money than men and are just as, or more qualified for the same job. Why is that?

Why are women’s rights being rationed and then stripped away? It is not fair that we are regulated in this way. Where is the gender equality? We have brains just like men and are capable of thinking for ourselves. No, we don’t have the brute physical strength of men, but we have made a lot of strides and impactful progress in the world!

Inequality Today

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

A woman should have the basic human right to decide what she does with her body. If she becomes pregnant, she should not have to resort to unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous solutions in an attempt to abort the pregnancy: if she so chooses. The choice to either carry a pregnancy to term or abort it, no matter the reason, should be that woman’s choice.

Not some government!

Everyone has their opinion as to whether abortion is right or wrong. Whether it is right or wrong as it relates to religion. Whether it is the right economical choice. Is it right morally? Whether it is right or wrong physically. Whether it is right or wrong mentally. Such a decision when it relates to abortion is a deeply personal one. It is between that woman and her maker.

Not some government!

No matter what the law is in your state, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) can override the local state law for emergency purposes. It is a protection for any provider who may perform an abortion. The original premise of the EMTALA was to provide treatment to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. This enabled people to receive care and not be turned away.

Why Now?

The Roe vs Wade decision has been overturned. Why now after so many years has this happened? It makes no sense. This decision is going to impact a lot of people all over the world. We are dealing with so many other issues and now this is another concern.

Women are valuable human beings but are being treated like we are incapable of making our own decisions.  The overturning of Roe vs Wade complicates so many things for so many people.  This world will face overpopulation and poverty levels are going to rise.  Sadly, some women will lose their lives because they are carrying a pregnancy that might be medically dangerous.  Other women will die trying to have a procedure done in unsafe ways.

Some women may not be able to seek emergency abortion care under the protection of EMTALA.  The decision to overturn Roe vs Wade was not made with the well-being or best interest of women in mind.  “The powers that be”, aka “the government”, sit around and make decisions for an entire group of people. Making decisions without any thought of how it will affect not only their family, but families all over the world. 

Think About This

Currently, families are struggling financially to put food on the table, and clothes on their backs. Struggling to gas up their cars.  Stressing about the cost of housing and wondering if they will make next month’s rent or mortgage.  Now, add to it the number of women who are stripped of a fundamental human right to choose what to do with their own bodies.  Now, you tell me what is wrong with this picture!!

We have a lot of work to do in this country.  Gender equality should not be up for debate.  Yes, we are women. No, we are not trying to assume the roles of men but just want to be treated fairly. We want our voice to be heard.  Not forced into something that “some government” told us we have to do under the law.  It just begs the question, what right do you have to be a woman?

2 replies on “What Right Do You Have to Be A Woman?”

Excellent article. Life is going backwards for women. Not just for majority o minority women but all women. What gives man the right to determine what women should do with the body- the body that brought man in this world.

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