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It’s August or Ya es Agosto

It’s August or Ya es Agosto! Can you believe how fast the year is going by? Check out some things happening this month.

First week of August-August 1-August 7 is National Simplify Your Life Week

National Simplify Your Life week means to make things easier for yourself. If you feel stressed or feel like your load is too much, cut some things out. Limit the number of tasks that you sign on to do. You are only one person and as such, you have to take care of you first. If you are no good, you can’t be good for anyone else. Simplifying can mean that you clean out your garage or closet(s). You might also consider simplifying your life mentally by saying no to new projects until you can complete what you already have on your plate. Cutting lose toxic or negative people from your life is another way to simplify things. If someone in your life brings you more strife and drama than happiness and good times, you have a choice to make for your own wellbeing.

August 3-National Watermelon Day

Watermelon is both a fruit and vegetable. You can eat the whole fruit, including the rind. It comes in seedless and seeded varieties. Eat it plain or try one of the many recipes online for watermelon treats. This melon not only tastes good but has health benefits. The high content of water makes it a great choice of fruit to help with lowering high blood pressure. It also has antioxidants which helps with the heart and eye health.

August 12- International Youth Day

This day brings awareness to the challenges that some children all over the world face. Education and poverty being among the top issues. Celebrating the achievements of the youth is also the purpose. Get involved by having conversations with both younger people and older adults. Mentor or tutor a child who may struggle with education and/or social issues.

August 14-National Financial Awareness Day

Financial awareness day is a day to assess where you are money-wise. Being financially secure means different things for everyone. Look at what you can do to improve your financial situation and make the steps necessary to attain that goal. Research finances. Compare your income to what your monthly bills are and make the changes to have more coming in than going out. Maybe, start a budget and keep track of spending habits to see what changes are needed. Around 50% of Americans are living check to check. That is a staggering number. It’s a good idea to have some kind of “money cushion” for emergencies.

August 16-National Rum Day

On National Rum Day, August 16th; celebrate by having a rum daiquiri, spiced rum drink or any number of rum cocktails. Rum is a distilled alcohol drink derived from sugar cane and molasses. It is one of the top 3 alcoholic beverages. You can enjoy clear Rum or dark Rum. It can be mixed to make Pina Coladas, Mojitos, and Daiquiri’s too. You can also add it to your baking recipes. Think Rum cake. Drink responsibly.

August 21-Poet’s Day

Poet’s Day is a day of recognition for poets and the art of poetry. There are different forms of poetry. You don’t have to be an expert to write poems. Even if writing poems is not your thing, you may enjoy reading them. Rapping is also a form of poetry, not often embraced by the masses.

José Martí was a poet and journalist born in Havana, Cuba. During the time he lived in New York City, he wrote in Spanish and English newspapers. Mostly about the difficult relations between Latin America and the United States. There is a statue of José Martí in Central Park South. It depicts him on a horse during his last times in battle.

August 27- National Just Because Day

National Just Because day is just that; just because. On this day, you might want to do something out of the ordinary. Do something just because you feel like it or just for no reason at all. Think of something that breaks up the monotony. Maybe go for a walk at a park you normally don’t visit. Gift someone something special for no apparent reason. When they ask, “what is this for?” You can say, “just because”. You get the idea. Run with it!

2 replies on “It’s August or Ya es Agosto”

I wasn’t aware of all these significant days the month of August has wow great leg work Ms O smile

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