Diversity Info Topic

National Black Business Month

National Black Business Month

Business Meeting

August is National Black Business Month. If you are a business owner this may be a good time to look for opportunities to boost your business. During this month consider marketing your business more. Showcase your services or products. Networking with others can give your business that added edge to increase revenue.

The month of August we celebrate and support Black businesses. You can also use this time to encourage aspiring business owners to start their entrepreneurial projects. Sharing and connecting with people who want to start a business is another way to network.

Being a Black business owner does not come easily. It is not all glitz and glamour. The extra work has to be done in order to make it possible to be able to work for yourself. A sense of accomplishment is felt when you can provide a product or service to help people and contribute to the successes of the economy.

Did you know?

The top three places with the highest numbers of Black owned businesses are New York, Atlanta and Washington, D.C.

How do you celebrate National Black Business Month?

You can spread the word about any products or services that you like.

Shop Black owned businesses.

Research about Black entrepreneurs.

It is important because we can encourage these businesses to keep going and continue to contribute to the economic wealth of not only minority communities, but also the world abroad.

Image credit: Image by Philippe Jacquet from Pixabay

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