
Mommy, My Doll Doesn’t Look Like Me

Mommy, My Doll Doesn’t Look Like Me

Growing up and playing with toys, including dolls is a normal thing. It is fun and it encourages children to use their imagination. Then the child says, Mommy, my doll doesn’t look like me. What do you say to this?

Combing the doll’s hair, changing the clothes, playing with the doll house are all a part of the fun. Don’t forget about the voices we used for each doll as we are playing. The tea parties were also a part of playing with dolls.

Does it matter if the doll kids play with are in the child’s likeness? Some would agree that it does matter that the doll have the same hair style/texture, eye color, facial features and color. On the other hand, people say that it does not matter. A doll is a doll, it is just a toy.

Toys- Teddy bear, doll, books and a ball

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It is matter of your personal preference. Playing with dolls that both look like you and those that don’t have advantages. It demonstrates that there are dolls that are beautiful in all shapes and colors. The child can experience the likeness of dolls and learn to grow an appreciation for people who are different than they are.

Just like other toys teddy bears, balls, action figures, etc. There is no color coding, it is just a toy. So, what happens when your child says, “Mommy, my doll doesn’t look like me”. An experiment was conducted in the 1940s where kids were asked to choose between a black and white doll. Majority of the children selected the white doll. Associating positive attributes for their selection.

Now, in 2024, we have such a wide array of choice when it comes to dolls. Back in those days there weren’t many options to choose from. You played with the one you were given, no matter if you liked it or not. Also, we live in such a digital world now that children no longer widely play with dolls.

Child Development

Children are sponges and soak up what they see and hear. Playing with dolls gives them that social development they need. They have a chance to act out certain life experiences and it helps them grow, whether they play with other children or while playing alone. Dolls give kids the chance to build their vocabularies, social skills and enhances their imaginations.

Playing with dolls that are not in the same likeness can help them build empathy and understanding of those who are not the same as them. Especially, if a child is in a school that lacks diversity or grows up in a neighborhood where everyone is of the same background. Some children alter their dolls to change the eye color, cut the hair or crayon the skin of the dolls. All in an attempt to make the doll look more like them.

Does it Matter?

What do you think? How important is it that your child play with dolls that are in their likeness. Do you think it plays a big role in their identity and social development? As a child growing up, did you face challenges as it relates to choice of the doll you played with? Lots of questions but again it is all a matter of personal preference.

As always, thank you for reading. 🙏💗


Should Home Schooling be the New Normal?

Composition Notebook

Should Home Schooling be the New Normal?

School will be back in session soon. Are you a parent considering home schooling your child? With the things happening around the world, it seems rational to think about keeping the kids at home to complete their education.

Home schooling gives parents some autonomy when it comes to what their children are learning. Is it easy? Is it for everyone? Should it be the “new normal”.

Education has changed, post covid 19. Remote learning has been implemented more frequently. Some school systems have moved more towards a hybrid learning experience. Both in-person education and remote learning.

Home schooling may look more appealing to some parents who are concerned for their children’s safety. Safety from violence of other students, teacher-student conflicts, bullying and school shootings. Home schooling may be the best option for some families. Unfortunately, it will not work for everyone.

In the working age and rising inflation, parents need to work full time, outside of the home. With growing violence in schools and some states allowing teachers to carry firearms, poses a lot of risks. As a parent, how would you feel letting your child go to school knowing that the teachers are carrying a firearm?

Benefits of Home Schooling

  • Safety from violent acts at school
  • More control of what children are learning
  • Protection from bullying
  • More conducive environment for the child to learn
  • Eliminates busing across town for some students
  • Flexibility with school and life balance

Home schooling cons

  • Lack of social skills for students
  • Decreased opportunity to form friendships with their peers
  • Limited or no access to extracurricular activities; arts, sports, clubs

What is a parent to do? Parents should not have to contemplate whether or not to send their child to school. Or decide how to plan for their child(ren) to receive very basic education.

On the other side of the coin, a part of the problem is disrespectful children. Respect for authority is gone. Children are so brazen and will challenge an adult without a second thought. Some kids these days are armed with weapons themselves.

Teachers nowadays feel vulnerable and question their personal safety. A possible solution is a less lethal one. Instead of firearms maybe carry a taser. This way teachers and school authorities can defend themselves without deadly consequences. Firearms and schools just are not a good mix.

We cannot protect ourselves or our children from everything. What do you feel is a solution?

As always, thank you for reading. Stay well and be blessed.