
What’s Happening in September?

World Beard Day- September 3rd

Sport your beard on World Beard Day. Whether you wear it neat or let it do its own thing. No matter if your beard is longer or close cut to your face, it’s your day!

Beards have been around for many years. One of the best things about a beard is that you can wear it how you want. Add your own personal touch. Wear it the best way that fits your personality.

You can let it grow naturally, dye it, cut it close. Wear it any length you want. In the winter months, a beard helps to keep you warm. It also provides some skin protection from the sun during the warmer times of year.

Labor Day- September 5th

Labor Day is a day to remember the rights that have been won. The rights for working conditions that are safe, fair working hours, time off from work, etc. People have fought and won rights for the working class. All around the world we celebrate Labor Day by spending time with friends/family. Usually, at a cook-out or picnic, some people use fireworks on this day. Some parts of the world have parades. You might also attend a party in celebration of this day. There is no right or wrong way to commemorate this important day. New York City was the first to hold a parade in support and celebration of their union members and also in recognition of other unions being formed.

National Day of Encouragement- September 12

National Day of Encouragement implores us to encourage people around us. Say a few positive words to those in our lives who may need just that. This day has been around since 2007 and is a way to lift people’s spirits and spread positivity. Spread good cheer. Encouragement can be in the form of words or deeds. Taylor the positivity to the individual person or situation.

Hispanic Heritage Month- Sept 15-Oct 15

Late September into early October is the time of year for recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. The Latino and Hispanic American community has made many contributions for the betterment of America. Originally, it started out as a week-long celebration in 1968. Two decades later it became a month-long celebration, declared by President Ronald Reagan.

The reason Hispanic Heritage Month starts in the middle of September, is because it coincides with independence of countries like Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, Chile and others.

We can see the added value in education, music, food, and the entertainment industry. The contributions by the Hispanic and Latino culture go hand-in-hand with the success of America.

National Situational Awareness Day- Sept 26th

National Situational Awareness Day is about personal safety. Being aware of what and who is around you. These days people are consumed with their electronics and are walking with their head down looking at a device. It is important to pay attention. Especially when out alone, do not be distracted. In just a few moments a predator can catch someone in a vulnerable spot.

Things you can do are to walk with your head up. Take inventory of your surroundings. Notice body language of people. Visualize an escape plan. Lock the doors of your car and house behind you. You get the idea. Just be on the lookout for anything or anyone suspicious. Stay woke.