
Are Institutes of Higher Learning a Racket?

Are Institutes of Higher Learning a Racket?

Getting an education is something that most people strive for. It helps us in life to advance our learning and get a degree in a specialized area of interest. Both short and long term programs are available. You can taylor it to fit your lifestyle. Obtaining a degree will definitely boost your income, give you bragging rights and open up professional opportunities.

The question remains about how to pay for this education. No matter if you choose to attend a community college or Ivy League school, they all cost something. Sure, you can apply for grants and obtain loans to help with funding.

Some people invest 4 or more years in these institutes of higher learning and spend twice that time repaying those loans. To only discover, after completing their studies, they cannot find jobs in their area of study. Tuition is only increasing. Who stands to gain from this: the colleges.

Image by Cari Dobbins from Pixabay

Worth it or not?

Are these schools ripping people off? The short answer is, yes.

Don’t get me wrong, discouraging people from furthering their education is not what I am suggesting. I’m just saying that some of these schools charge astronomical amounts of money and students end up paying off loans for years after their schooling is finished. What kind of reward is that.

What do you say to someone who wants to pursue a degree program or a trade? Do you encourage them to go for their dreams or do you caution them to pursue other avenues?

Career opportunities may be limited without a degree. On the other hand, there are people who do very well financially, and they have not gone to college. Are institutes of higher learning a racket? It is possible to be successful without attending college and make a good living.

How do you feel about it?