
Keep Your Hands to Yourself People

Keep your hands to yourself people
Image by Z RAINEY from Pixabay

Let’s talk about some of the recent incidents where audience members and spectators have let loose on someone on stage or at a sporting event. It is not ok in any form to harass and/or put your hands on someone. Now, if it is self-defense then by all means, throw them hands!

I am talking about the Will Smith slap, the Dave Chappelle attack, the fan harassing Chris Paul’s family at the game and the Mike Tyson airplane incident. It seems like since events started opening up and people are getting out, they forgot their manners and common sense. The country has been on lock down for about 2 plus years due to Covid 19 and now people are acting wild like they lost their mind.

In my opinion, I think the fans in the stands and/or on the floor who harass players and/or their families should be banned from attending the games for at least a year. If you can’t act right and let everyone enjoy the game, then stay at the house. People want to have a good time and not have to deal with your disruption.

And when did it become ok to come up on stage when you out in the audience, FOR ANY REASON!! You were not invited to get on stage so sit down and deal with your feelings after the show. People pay good money to attend these events and there you go, ruining it for everyone.

People sometimes try to provoke and do things to celebrities just to see if they get a rise out of them. Which is what I believe was the case in the Mike Tyson incident. Of course, I wasn’t on the plane. I know, I know… but just leave the man alone when you see he is getting upset or agitated. It’s okay to be a fan but know when to fall back.

If these things keep happening, there will be less public events or they will be on a much smaller scale. Fans will not be allowed at the games but this time, not due to Covid 19 but just bad behavior. It’s not ok people! It’s not okay! Keep your hands to yourself.

We will be back to games with no fans again
if people continue with the nonsense

Photo by Andre Tan on Unsplash

Security needs to be ramped up in some of these cases. How did the man get the knife into the Dave Chappelle event? People want to feel safe while out and about, just trying to have a good time. Eventually, they will stop going to these shows. Productions will shut down and no one will make money.

What do you think about these recent and past events where people failed to keep their hands to themselves? Or the fans who shout at the players from the stands and audience thinking it’s okay. The players should not be punished if they are being verbally abused by these spectators. What should be the punishment for this type of behavior?

4 replies on “Keep Your Hands to Yourself People”

Adequate security should be in place at all large events. Including Churches, Shopping Malls etc, etc, etc..Life as we see it is totally out of control. We’re not free just walking to the corner store. Fear of being attacked.

Yes, Sandy totally out of control is right! You never know if you will make it back from the corner store these days without some kind of altercation. Thank you for your comment!

I believe security should be in the front rows for any event for safety my thing is will these people play the mental health card to get off if you attack someone at an event that should be automatic jail time community service the laws need to be strict when it comes to this type of behavior

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