Info Topic

Public Safety and You-Let’s End the Violence

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In these times of increasing violence happening all over the world, I wanted to shine some light on this program. Cure Violence Global is a program aimed at stopping violence in high crime areas and was started in the year 2000. In the last few years, the cities of Winston-Salem, Durham and Greensboro in North Carolina are participating in this important effort. This program exists in other states around the world. Listening to the news while getting ready for work is how I learned about Cure Violence Global.

I hope more cities in the state and in other areas where violence is rampant join in as well. Other places have similar programs to help address issues in their communities. I just wanted to highlight this one and say kudos! I think this initiative is very important and is well needed. The link provided gives more information about who they are and what they do.

About Us – Cure Violence (

This post ties in to a previous post about Gun Violence- We Can Do Without It. See below.

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the shooting victims in Buffalo, New York.


Keep Your Hands to Yourself People

Keep your hands to yourself people
Image by Z RAINEY from Pixabay

Let’s talk about some of the recent incidents where audience members and spectators have let loose on someone on stage or at a sporting event. It is not ok in any form to harass and/or put your hands on someone. Now, if it is self-defense then by all means, throw them hands!

I am talking about the Will Smith slap, the Dave Chappelle attack, the fan harassing Chris Paul’s family at the game and the Mike Tyson airplane incident. It seems like since events started opening up and people are getting out, they forgot their manners and common sense. The country has been on lock down for about 2 plus years due to Covid 19 and now people are acting wild like they lost their mind.

In my opinion, I think the fans in the stands and/or on the floor who harass players and/or their families should be banned from attending the games for at least a year. If you can’t act right and let everyone enjoy the game, then stay at the house. People want to have a good time and not have to deal with your disruption.

And when did it become ok to come up on stage when you out in the audience, FOR ANY REASON!! You were not invited to get on stage so sit down and deal with your feelings after the show. People pay good money to attend these events and there you go, ruining it for everyone.

People sometimes try to provoke and do things to celebrities just to see if they get a rise out of them. Which is what I believe was the case in the Mike Tyson incident. Of course, I wasn’t on the plane. I know, I know… but just leave the man alone when you see he is getting upset or agitated. It’s okay to be a fan but know when to fall back.

If these things keep happening, there will be less public events or they will be on a much smaller scale. Fans will not be allowed at the games but this time, not due to Covid 19 but just bad behavior. It’s not ok people! It’s not okay! Keep your hands to yourself.

We will be back to games with no fans again
if people continue with the nonsense

Photo by Andre Tan on Unsplash

Security needs to be ramped up in some of these cases. How did the man get the knife into the Dave Chappelle event? People want to feel safe while out and about, just trying to have a good time. Eventually, they will stop going to these shows. Productions will shut down and no one will make money.

What do you think about these recent and past events where people failed to keep their hands to themselves? Or the fans who shout at the players from the stands and audience thinking it’s okay. The players should not be punished if they are being verbally abused by these spectators. What should be the punishment for this type of behavior?


Gun Violence- We Can Do Without It

Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay

Gun violence continues to be a problem in this country. It is senseless killing and the loss of innocent lives that really makes the problem such a sore subject. Everyone has the right to bear arms and protect themselves and their families. The use of guns for robbing, stealing and inflicting harm on others is the ugly side of it all. It is sad when children are the victims of stray bullets, or anyone for that matter. How do you protect your children when they are home in their bed and struck by random bullets? Even if the child pulls through it changes the course of their lives forever.

Gun violence begs the question, how do you protect yourself and your children from being shot? It is not something you want to think about on a daily basis as you try to go about your life, but it is very real. Especially, when you are at home and a stray bullet comes through the walls or windows. You go to your car in the morning and its shot up with bullet holes. All you have to do is walk down the street and catch one just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

In my line of work, I regularly see the faces of these young children and teens who sustain gun shot wounds. It makes no sense that their lives are FOREVER changed due to gun violence. Some of them are now confined to a wheelchair, some are on crutches for a while, some are still able to walk. Depending on what organs were damaged will determine how much of their lives they get to enjoy from now on. Some unfortunately did not survive the violence by a gun. I just think to myself that this can be my child. Bullets don’t have names.

Guns In School

You ever wonder why kids are packing guns with their lunch these days? I know that some kids don’t have lunch; but they have a gun in their bookbag. It makes you wonder; if a child is bringing a firearm to school, is it because they are being bullied. Also, I wonder where they got the gun from. Maybe they are just showing off to their friends in an effort to fit in. Is the student involved in a gang? Whatever the reason, it makes me wonder what is wrong with this world. Why would a child feel the need to bring a weapon to school? Whatever the reason is, it has to stop.

Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash

So should the answer be to install metal detectors at school? Maybe make the kids carry clear bookbags so that the contents are visible while at school? We all know that there are too many politics involved to actually make this a reality. And even if it did happen, would it make a difference? Is it enough?

Senseless Acts of Violence

Being shot over a gas pump at the gas station is not enough reason to justify a life being lost. Accidentally, stepping on someone’s sneaker is not a reason to be shot. Sitting on your porch or being in front of your building, minding your own business is not a reason to be shot. Brushing up against someone in a crowded room, is not a reason to kill someone.

Believe it or not, it happens more often than you think. There is no regard for life these days. Over the past two years, we have already lost and continue to lose people every day due to Covid-19 and then we add the number of people being killed by guns. Sometimes you don’t want to go out and enjoy life because something might pop off out of nowhere, and over something so small. It is not a good idea to live life afraid to go certain places, but it is a reality for some people.

Drive by Shootings

When drive by shootings happen a lot of times people who have nothing to do with the beef get hurt. An unfortunate fact but something we live with in this world. Consider yourself lucky if you haven’t been a victim of gun violence. The people who commit these crimes have no regard for who else will be affected by whatever drama they have going on. Usually, it is over something trifling, like whose block they on and all the other nonsense.

Road Rage

Everyone is in such a rush these days. Some are just plain rude and like to cut people off on the road because they think they can. It makes no sense to shoot someone because you think they stole your parking space. Maybe they were driving too slow and they wanted you out of the way. People, slow down!! Where ever you are going will still be there when you arrive. The goal is to arrive in one piece.

You may have looked at someone too long or in the wrong way and that person took offense. The next thing you know, you are minding your business at work and you get shot for something that was misinterpreted by the person who shot you. It has happened, this is not made up. People are so much in their feelings about small things and therefore just looking for a reason to jump. Why?! Get over yourself and just drive your car man! If I’m driving too slow, go around me. If I mistakenly cut over into your lane, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you.


In my opinion, you shouldn’t have to worry about your child coming home from school. Wondering if they are going to make it through the day at school. They are there to learn but it seems that they have their safety to worry about too. What happened to worrying about if you are going to do well on a test? If you made it on the sports team or into a club at school? Now, you have to watch your back and hope nobody tests you in ways other than academically.

Do we need to equip everyone with bullet proof vests? Are all the stores going to install plexiglass? Maybe businesses will install metal detectors for all patrons coming into their establishment. Better or newer gun laws might help. Harder punishment for perpetrators of gun violence? More education about the proper use of guns might help to prevent accidental discharges. I’m not sure what the answer is but something has to change.