
Movie Time- Guess the Line, Pt. 1

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Movie Time- Guess the Line, Pt. 1 –
Image by Jan Alexander on Pixabay

Movie Time- Guess the Line- Pt. 1

I’m going to describe a scene from a movie and give a few hints. Can you guess the movie title and/or who the actors are? I will update the post with the answer next week. Put your movie skills to the test. Have fun!

A cute, little lady gets off the train. She turns around and says to a man, “If you are a real prince, I’ll marry you”.

  • Movie came out in the late 80s/early 90s
  • Romantic Comedy
  • The sequel came out in 2021


Coming To America is the answer. The movie starred Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Shari Headley and a host of other actors and actresses. The cute, little lady who gets off the train is Birdie M. Hale.

Thank you for guessing and I’ll be back with another movie.

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