
Release the Weight

Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash

A few points to help us get rid of unhealthy, useless energy in our lives. The emotional baggage that weighs us down. Time to release the weight.

Holding Grudges

We have all done this at one time or another. Admit it. The thing about grudges is that it keeps us stuck in that moment, the past. No one is suggesting not to get upset or angry. Yes, get angry and/or upset about the situation or person. Have your moment and then release it. The longer you hold that grudge it keeps you stuck in the past. Think about this; holding a grudge does not change that event. Let the past be the past. Letting go of the past frees you up and allows you to live in the here and now. Also, while you are still holding that grudge, the person or persons who wronged you has already forgotten about it and are living their lives. Let it go!


It is ok to worry sometimes. We are human and have emotions. The problem with worrying is that it can weigh you down. When the worrying disrupts your normal life and everyday activity, it is time to reassess. Excessive worrying will not change the outcome. It is undue stress that no one wants or needs. Worrying will take over your daily thoughts and activities, if we are not aware of it. Worrying in excess keeps us from important things and it is a time waster.

Being Hard on Yourself

We all strive to better ourselves. That is always helpful and healthy. The thing to remember is that we cannot be everything. Let’s focus on the positive attributes and accomplishments. Expound on those. Develop those. Do not, I repeat, do not dwell on certain things that we are not so good at. It does nothing to uplift our spirit. We all have specific gifts. For example, if you are a great dancer but cannot hold a tune and have a horrible singing voice. It’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up about it. The skills you have are the ones to develop.

Toxic Environment

This one can be hard to get away from. Remember, we cannot control other people and their actions. But we can control ourselves. and our behavior. Do not give negativity the energy to reside in your heart or on your mind. Re-focus or concentrate on positive things. When people try to suck you into a situation or conversation that you are not interested in, just walk away or simply tell them that you do not want to be a part of the conversation.

Release the weight. We have enough to worry about in everyday life. The stressors of life are enough to juggle. Free your mind. Embrace the things that bring joy into your life.

6 replies on “Release the Weight”

Yes I used to hold grudges all the time it was very unhealthy and built up anger inside these are good points you laid out about getting rid of weight keep the topics and ideas coming O’Nika in my cowboy voice YEA HA lol

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