
Re-create; Dare to be You

Time to re-create ourselves. Let’s do something different. Dare to challenge the norms and go outside of your comfort zone.

Photo by Valentina Conde on Unsplash

Re-create means to create again.

Transform your life by taking up a very different job or adapting a new way of life. Re-create is a verb which means that we have to take action. We can’t just sit on our ideas. We have to take action toward our goals. I know you heard the saying, “don’t talk about it, be about it”. It is not easy to start something new. Sometimes we need a little push or some motivation. The good news is that once we act on our vision and ideas, it gets easier every day.

Speaking from experience, it is hard for me to start something new, or just keep up with something that I know I should do. But once I get started it makes it a lot easier to keep going. After I force myself to do something I feel a lot better afterwards. Yes, I said force. Meaning that I went against what my mental was saying at the time and did the physical work.

Re-creating ourselves can come in several forms. We can take on a new hobby, start a business, adapt a new lifestyle, exercise more, eat a healthier diet, and we can elevate ourselves mentally also. Thinking in a different way can change our whole outlook on life.

Painting– Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

Where to begin

  • Start by writing or typing some things that you have been wanting to do but never had a chance to start. Use regular pen and paper, use a note app on your cell phone (tread carefully with this one), use a whiteboard or your computer. Whatever is best and most convenient. The goal is to make it as visible as possible.
  • Next, think about the things you are good at. Think about your strengths and the things that just come naturally. After that think about the things that you are not so good at and would like to improve. Write it down.
  • Ask your closest friends and/or relatives to name at least 2 things about you that they think you are good at. By doing this, it may give you some insight as to what direction you want to go.

Re-create by taking on a new hobby

If you are a creative person who likes to make things, a new hobby may be just the thing for you. You might think about making clothes for yourself or other people. If you can draw you might become a tattoo artist. You might even think about painting portraits for people. If photography is your thing, start with that.

This newfound hobby may lead to you starting your own business. The possibilities are endless when you start receiving good feedback about your side hobby and people are liking what you do. Who knows where it might lead! Therefore, don’t wait. Start now.


Dare to adapt a new lifestyle

Adapting a new lifestyle will take some time but begin slowly. If you want to start exercising more, for example. Start off by walking or using a treadmill or stationary bike. Don’t try to do too much in the beginning. You have to work your way up and increase your activity over time. If you try too much in the beginning, it can cause injury. Also, you might feel frustrated that things are not progressing like you expected. This might lead to you quitting altogether before you even get started. We don’t want that.

Exercise keeps us healthy and helps us live longer. It keeps us out of the doctor’s office, and we are less prone to certain types of illnesses and/or injuries. Along with exercise we can also try to eat better. This is my struggle! I am a junk food junkie!!

Changing our way of thinking

Any action starts with a thought. So, as you can see, how we think dictates what we do. If we just try to see things in a different way and explore things from another angle, we discover so much that we have been missing.

Sewing–Image by Anita Smith from Pixabay

Remember to re-create, if we want a healthier lifestyle. We have to stop saying it and then keep doing the same things. When we fall back into our old habits of not exercising, just remind yourself that this does not lead to the ultimate goal of living a healthy lifestyle. If you come home and sit on the couch or in front of a video game, stop yourself and re-direct. Get off the couch and start moving, doing anything other than sitting on the couch. Alternatively, if you pick up the video game controller, put it back and do something more productive. We have to re-direct our old way of thinking to form new and healthy habits.

Healthy Lifestyle– Image by Vidmir Raic from Pixabay

In order to improve our diet, we have to do just that. When grocery shopping; don’t load the cart with a bunch of junk food. Try some healthier choices. Even though you might not like fruit, just think how much your body will love it and how much of an improved quality of life you will have. Indulging in a sugary or salty treat is ok, only on occasion. That is of course, if you have the goal to improve your diet.

Sum It Up

Think about it. Write it down. Research your ideas and any equipment you may need to get started. Take Action. Reap the benefits. You get the idea! It all starts with how we think. Making a change is not easy but we can do it! Do not expect immediate results, it takes time. Slow steady progress is better than no progress at all. So, start where you are and be consistent. You will not regret it.

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