
Can You Answer This?

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

What is something that you were once afraid of but are not scared of now?

This can be a fear of spiders or a fear of flying, or maybe you are afraid of heights. Some people are afraid of clowns. Anything that comes to mind that you have overcome. It can be something funny or something serious. Anything you would like to share. Please tell us how you overcame this fear. It might help someone else out there who is experiencing the same thing.

I will start off with… (but don’t laugh)

Michael Myers from Halloween. I was traumatized as a child! You hear me; TRAUMATIZED by Michael Myers when this movie first came out. (I see you laughing).

It took me years, but I realized that this is a fictional character. He is not hiding in my closet or standing behind the curtain. I forced myself to watch him in the Halloween movies, even though I was terrified! The scariest thing about him was the mask and the music from the movie.

Now, I love Michael Myers. He is my favorite scary movie character 😉

Have fun with it. Can you answer this?