
Running the United States

Politics is not my thing; but the United States is. What I mean is that I am no political buff but since I do live in the US, I take note of the changing times. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The land of plentiful opportunity. The United States is such a progressive place. A place where many immigrate to for a better life.

In the years lately, I find myself scratching my head wondering why this country continues to drown in debt, homelessness is growing, housing costs are high. What about Veterans? What do they get after fighting for the people? The country is guided by old principles that are centuries old.

Fair living wages are an issue. People are striking in the auto industry and writers as well. It is a domino effect and all trickles down to affect everyone in the end. If you think for a second that it will not affect you too, wake up!

The United States of America has three requirements to be president. You must be at least 35 years of age, must be a natural born citizen of the United States, and have resided in the US for 14 years. I’m sure there are other rules to hold this seat but those are some of the basics.

Running the United States

Three points to review

Must be at least 35 years of age. Yes, this is reasonable. On the other side of things, there should be a cut off age. As humans, when we age, certain things start to decline. Health, cognitive function, etc. The older we are the less apt we will be to make certain decisions and perform certain tasks.

It’s time to shake things up and revise these rules. At the time of inauguration, Barack Obama was 47 years of age, Donald Trump was 70 years of age and the current POTUS, Joe Biden was 78. The median age should fall somewhere between 50-55 years old.

Must be a natural born citizen of the United States. Yes. Absolutely. A criteria that should be in place. It makes sense.

Must have been a resident of the United States for 14 years. Again, yes good rule. It makes sense for someone making decisions for and about the country to have lived here for over a decade. At least they will have some idea of what goes on and how things are done. They can identify the areas and opportunity for change.

Three points to consider

Age Limit. As I mentioned earlier, should there be an age limit due to the decline in functions as we age. Yes, the world is continually being ruled by older and older people. We need some middle ground with younger people, while maintaining the minimum age of 35 years.

Legal trouble. Should there be a rule about certain legal troubles? If the person in office is charged with a crime and later found guilty; are they still allowed to hold the seat of president?

Financial Crisis. How does the US run up such a tab and owe astronomical amounts of money. The trillions…We, as a country are in debt but manage to help other countries. How does that work? It’s always good to have ally countries, yes. When is the United States going to lower its debt?

Running the United States needs an overhaul. If we continually rely on antiquated principles and laws, will we ever progress? The world is changing constantly, as such, some of the laws need to be re-written and updated. The way of life centuries ago, is not the same as life today.

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