
Sadfishing; Genuine Cry for Help or Crying Wolf?

Genuine cry for help or crying wolf? Photo by Joice Kelly on Unsplash

Sadfishing; Genuine Cry for Help or Crying Wolf?

Sadfishing is when people post themselves on social media crying or in an emotional state. It can be used as a way to garner sympathy or attention. Some people do this in an attempt to get attention for a problem that may not exist at all or may not be as bad as they are making it out to be. Yes, this is a thing. Validation is a motivation for some individuals that do this.

On the other hand, there are people who are genuinely in a bind and are in need of help. After sharing a situation or problem, the individual may feel better. This is a form of release. They feel better because they have made people aware of what they are experiencing.

Crying Wolf

It can be hard to discern from someone who just wants attention and those who really do have a concern/problem. Some people put the issue out there because they are genuinely trying to find a solution. Maybe, they have tried several ways to remedy a problem to no avail. It never hurts to ask and maybe someone out there will have the perfect solution.

Is it right or wrong for people to air their problems on social media? For the ones who are genuinely going through something in life, they can open themselves up to predators. Predators who will try to take advantage of you during a vulnerable state. It may also result in cyberbullying. People may make comments ridiculing you for what you have put out there. Let’s face it, social media is not the most forgiving of places for sensitive situations.

Emotional post. Image by 巻(Maki) from Pixabay

Final Word

Sadfishing is a thing. You may call it a cry for attention but in some instances, it is a genuine cry for help. Though, it is unfortunate when people use this tactic and are in no distress. It’s just a way to play on the emotions of others to see if someone really cares. The instant gratification of posting on social media, makes it very tempting to employ the tactic of sadfishing. For the most part, everyone has a cell phone and/or computer these days and instantly see posts of their followers/friends. Sadfishing; genuine cry for help or crying wolf? What are your thoughts?


Behind the Screen of the Electronic Age

Image by Mariakray from Pixabay

Behind the screen of the electronic age

Behind the Screen of the Electronic Age (Audio only)

Once upon a time kids played outside. What happened to the days when kids talked to each other and made friends? The electronic age happened. The computer screen, tablet, cell phone screens all came into play. Back in the day, they didn’t have to know each other in order to play a game of hide and seek, jump rope, dodgeball, hopscotch, hand ball and the all the other games kids played. Since the internet and the electronic age, there is a lot less socialization. As a result, children have become too reliant on cell phones, tablets, computers and video games for their entertainment and socialization.

Everyone is behind a screen browsing the internet, watching videos and/or movies, texting or playing video games. No one talks to each other anymore face to face. It is crazy how you can have a room full of people sitting together but they are not talking to each other. Everyone has some kind of device in their hand staring at a screen. Not to mention people walking in the street looking like zombies with their phone in hand not looking where they are going. It’s dangerous, very dangerous!

Video Games

Video games provide some form of entertainment for kids. Kids need some kind of outlet. The problem comes in when they are on the game for hours on end. It is up to parents to limit the time spent playing these games. It hurts their vision the longer they use the game. It makes kids sit for long periods of time. As a result, they are not getting any physical activity. It lessens time spent in the real world talking and socializing in person.

Image by Romy Topf from Pixabay
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash


The internet allows for accessing information quickly. No need to get in the car to go to the library to check out a book or look up something in an encyclopedia. Children can research information needed for homework and other school projects. The dark side to the internet is that there is so much information out there it is easy for kids to see inappropriate content. Just a few keystrokes and kids can be exposed to things that are not age appropriate.

Social Media

Social media, just like anything else on the internet has changed. In some ways for good and some ways bad. The good part of social media is that you can stay in contact with people who are across the country from you. You can find long lost relatives and friends without doing a lot of leg work.

Social media is also a good way to advertise your business. If you are a business owner, it is a great marketing tool. It is a lot faster than word of mouth advertising.

Social media is also a place where you can showcase your personal skills. If you have a hobby and create things in your spare time, what a better place to show that. You might be good at sewing and like to make clothes. Maybe you like to put outfits together and give people inspiration. You may be a good singer and want to post videos of yourself singing songs that you wrote.

You name it and you can do it on social media. There are so many platforms. Just keep in mind that there will be critics. When you put yourself out there, the critics will come. And, it’s ok. It’s ok because no matter who you are or what you do, there are always people hiding behind the screen. In my opinion, don’t write something about someone that you are not willing to say to their face. If you can’t say it in person, don’t write it.


The electronic age has made things easier for everyone. It is not all bad. You can accomplish a lot of things without leaving the house. It only gets problematic when too much time is spent staring at a screen. Especially, children who are so easily influenced. We need to be mindful and very watchful of what children view online.

The more time kids spend behind the screen, the less physical activity they get. This can result in them becoming overweight. They will lose much needed socialization skills the more time they are sitting on their computer and/or cell phones.

What can we do to get back to people and strike a balance between screen time and face to face interaction?