
What Kind of Bored are You?

Is this the kind of day you are having?

We all have those moments when we get bored. There is nothing to watch on TV. You are home alone. Nobody is answering their phone when you try to reach out. What do you do when those moments strike you?

Do you go shopping? Do you eat a carton of ice cream? Maybe you clean the house from top to bottom. Sometimes, you might find yourself starting a new hobby, only to abandon it as soon as your boredom goes away. A walk in the park might be what gets you out of the rut.

Blasting the music at home and dancing gets the blood flowing and helps to boost your mood. I have heard some people say they do intense exercise. Maybe reading a good book will help. Just anything to pass the time will do. What do you do to break the boredom cycle?

There are some constructive things you can do and also destructive behaviors you can engage in.


Taking a walk-If you live in an area where you can safely walk, do it! You get some exercise and get to take in some fresh air. Also, you can enjoy the scenery and get off the couch. You might discover that you like walking and make it a new habit

Home organizing– You know that junk drawer that everyone has. Yeah, that one! Try going through it and throwing some things away. Throw those things away that have been there for a while and nobody is going to use. Go through the closets and donate old clothes to the Salvation Army store or Goodwill. It is like therapy to get rid of things. It is a great feeling. Try it.


Heavy drinking– We all know the consequences of heavy drinking. If you like to get your drink on, there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a safe way to do it. Know your limits. Please make sure you have a designated driver or call a ride if you are going to the bar. If you live in a place where you can walk, just take a stroll to the bar and/or restaurant.

Impulse shopping– This can be either a good thing or bad thing. If you go out and spend a lot of money for something that you don’t need or later discover you don’t want; this is bad. You might go out and spend “bill money” for something that you just had to have. Well, do you REALLY have to have it or just wanted it? You know the answer.

On the other hand, if you spent money on something that you will actually use and something that you need, then maybe this boredom spell was a blessing in disguise. It helped you make the decision on this purchase.