Topic Words of Wisdom

What Activities Do You Like to Do Alone?

Most of the time, activities are more fun when we do them with someone else. It can take an outing from a 4-5 experience up to a 7-8 on the scale of enjoyable. On the other hand, there are some things better left to be done alone. Like getting a haircut, an interview or going to the dentist. Let’s look at what activities you like to do alone.


Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Shopping, for example, is something that we like to do. When I say we, I mean women. We like to have someone with us to give their honest opinion on how an outfit looks, or someone to help us pick something out for that special occasion. Shopping can be an all day excursion. When it’s time for a break, stop for lunch and then continue.

For those who take a more practical or organized approach to shopping, they want to be alone. They know what stores they are going to and what they need. It makes for an easy in and out shopping experience. People who do this are not interested in browsing the store or lollygagging. Plus, they don’t want to waste time going store to store spending more money.

Church or religious services

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Some people make this a family affair. Which means that everyone in the house is going. Whether you want to go or not doesn’t matter, so don’t make a fuss. This can also be seen as a solo outing to go to your house of worship, to receive your blessings and to be a blessing to others. You may be going to ask for forgiveness for something personal and would like to be there alone with your thoughts. Also, some prefer to pray by themselves and enjoy the service in solitude.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

For those people who still have theaters open, movies usually are a group or couple outing. You can laugh out loud or whisper to your friends or date about the movie. Afterwards, you can have a discussion about how you liked the film. Some people may not want to be talked to while the movie is playing. They zone out and want to focus on what the movie is about. They only want to enjoy their snack and take in the cinematic experience. Plus, you know those who can’t stop talking throughout and you miss key points of the movie.


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Going to get a drink or two is fun when you go with someone. Also, this is when a designated driver is needed. For those who like to enjoy spirits, beer, wine it’s nice to have a friend or significant other with you to talk and laugh with. Also, to watch your back if you have one too many. You know who you are 🙂

Share stories, people watch, drink, dance and listen to music at the club. Whatever you do while at the bar or club. When you want to get on the dance floor it takes the edge off to dance with your friends and not alone.

We do have those who go clubbing or to a bar to meet people. In this case, I would say they don’t want any extra weight hanging around. They would prefer to go alone and do what they do.

Eating Out

Image by werner moser from Pixabay

Going out to eat at a restaurant is usually spent together with someone. The next time you go to a restaurant look around. You will notice that most tables have at least two or more people per table. Singles also go out to eat but you don’t see this as often as groups. It can feel awkward or lonely when you are at a restaurant full of people, and you are there solo. To each their own.


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Exercising can be either a group or solo activity. Some people prefer to buddy up with someone else to help keep them accountable. It also makes keeping in shape more fun when there is someone else to do the work with you. Other people prefer to work-out alone. They have no problem keeping up with their physical activity. What is your exercise style?

What activities do you like to do alone?


Tell us about the activities you prefer to do alone. There is nothing wrong with going solo and just doing your thing, alone. Sometimes we do our best work while being alone.

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Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas

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Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas.

Happy Holidays and Happy shopping! The holiday shopping season is well underway. If you hit a snag and can’t think of a gift to buy for someone, look no further. These black owned businesses have interesting items for women and men. You can find clothing, home items, jewelry, and sleep wear. Check them out and you might find that perfect one-of-a-kind gift. These sites have items from basic everyday essentials to custom made apparels. You will find price points from affordable to expensive. Maybe you want to treat yourself to a Christmas gift. Take a look.

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What Kind of Bored are You?

Is this the kind of day you are having?

We all have those moments when we get bored. There is nothing to watch on TV. You are home alone. Nobody is answering their phone when you try to reach out. What do you do when those moments strike you?

Do you go shopping? Do you eat a carton of ice cream? Maybe you clean the house from top to bottom. Sometimes, you might find yourself starting a new hobby, only to abandon it as soon as your boredom goes away. A walk in the park might be what gets you out of the rut.

Blasting the music at home and dancing gets the blood flowing and helps to boost your mood. I have heard some people say they do intense exercise. Maybe reading a good book will help. Just anything to pass the time will do. What do you do to break the boredom cycle?

There are some constructive things you can do and also destructive behaviors you can engage in.


Taking a walk-If you live in an area where you can safely walk, do it! You get some exercise and get to take in some fresh air. Also, you can enjoy the scenery and get off the couch. You might discover that you like walking and make it a new habit

Home organizing– You know that junk drawer that everyone has. Yeah, that one! Try going through it and throwing some things away. Throw those things away that have been there for a while and nobody is going to use. Go through the closets and donate old clothes to the Salvation Army store or Goodwill. It is like therapy to get rid of things. It is a great feeling. Try it.


Heavy drinking– We all know the consequences of heavy drinking. If you like to get your drink on, there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a safe way to do it. Know your limits. Please make sure you have a designated driver or call a ride if you are going to the bar. If you live in a place where you can walk, just take a stroll to the bar and/or restaurant.

Impulse shopping– This can be either a good thing or bad thing. If you go out and spend a lot of money for something that you don’t need or later discover you don’t want; this is bad. You might go out and spend “bill money” for something that you just had to have. Well, do you REALLY have to have it or just wanted it? You know the answer.

On the other hand, if you spent money on something that you will actually use and something that you need, then maybe this boredom spell was a blessing in disguise. It helped you make the decision on this purchase.