
Text or call, how do you communicate?

Should I text or call? It can be hard to decide these days with so many technological choices we have. Smartphones are an everyday staple. Features on cell phones give us many options of communicating. You know that saying, “there’s an app for that”. Well, it is true. With so many different platforms and ways to reach people, it can sometimes be a hard decision about how to relay a message.

A text is quick and convenient, but not always appropriate for what you want to say. Texts are very impersonal and may seem like the better way to send a message that you do not want to deliver in person. Just think about how you would want to receive a piece of news. Depending on what you want to say, a text may be totally fine. However, if it is life-changing, personal or sensitive in some other way, a phone call is necessary.

The choice to text or call is governed by the age group of people using technology these days. A large number of older people prefer to communicate by phone. They don’t have time to try to figure out the texting feature. Then again, there are some pretty savvy seniors that can keep up with the best of texters. The younger generation mostly uses text. To the point that they text people who are in same room with them.

Calling allows the other person to hear your voice and also note the tone of the message you are giving. With a text, you don’t know the tone at all and can easily misunderstand. Emoji’s can help to clarify your tone in a text but those are ambiguous at times and not everyone uses them the same way.


Texting a friend
Image by Mahbub Hasan from Pixabay

Advantages to texting include having a written record of conversations, should you need it later. Very quick and convenient, can be done from anywhere. You can reach multiple people in group chat and not have to dial everyone individually. With a text, you have time to think about your answer and do not have to reply immediately. Texting allows you to communicate with someone privately without disturbing others around you. They will not hear you talking; although they may hear the clicking while the text is being sent. Downsides are that you can text something sensitive to the wrong person. And guess what; you cannot take it back. Once you hit the send button, it’s gone into the universe. Another example is that you might be joking about something, but the receiver takes it as serious. This results in causing confusion and/or misunderstanding.


Calling with good news
Image by Mahbub Hasan from Pixabay

Advantages of making a call is that you can hear the inflection in the voice of all parties on the call. This allows you to gauge whether the person is joking or being serious. There is no confusion here. You get to say more on the phone as opposed to trying to send a long message by text. It makes it easier and clearer when talking to someone, especially if you have follow-up questions. Disadvantages to calling are that if the person you are calling does not answer right away you have to leave a message, hoping they get back to you. Also, calling means having to rely on memory. An example is when you may have told someone a certain detail, only for them to forget it later. They have no written transcript or text to refer back to. Phone calls also put people on the spot. With voice calls, you have no time to think about a response since the conversation is in real time.


  • You are at home cooking and realize you need milk. Do you call or text your partner to pick up the milk on the way home?
  • Your date was being a real jerk last night. Do you text him/her to let them know about themselves or do you call?
  • The company is downsizing, and you have to lay someone off. Do you send a text or call?
  • After a blind date you know it will not work out. Do you text or call?
  • The neighbor’s son/daughter was in a part of town, you know they should not be. Do you call their parents or text them to voice your concern?
  • While out shopping, you spot something that you think your best friend will love! Do you text or call?

I think the way to communicate something depends on a few factors. It depends on the severity of the news, the person who will receive it and also the person delivering the message. Some things can be either a text or call, but you can gauge the situation and decide which method is best.

Text or call, how do you communicate?

7 replies on “Text or call, how do you communicate?”

I really like phone calls especially if it s urgent or to hear how you sounding or your attitude to see if you are good or in a bad place texting is good if you are somewhere where its noisy or you are not feeling well and unable to speak .

Louis, yes, I see your points! You can’t always call if you are in a noisy place, so text is much better. I agree with calling, you can gauge how the person on the other end is feeling and/or receiving your message. Thank you.

Usually text, unless it’s family. I don’t think I ever talk to any of my friends on the phone. Millennials, am I right?! Lol.

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