Topic Words of Wisdom


Image credit Cottonbro studios at Pexels


Excuse me, may I interject
Let me put things into retrospect
I am a human, animate
Between two sculptures, laminate

Laminate, sculptures void of life
Stone-faced, emotionless
Let me inject some feelings
Sadness, indifference, or joy will suffice  

Sadness has its place of reflection
The level of sadness depends on the inflection
Inflection in the voice of the owner
The owner who claims it

Indifference can go either way
You either care or you don't
Feelings have a way to sway
Even the most stone-faced and emotionless

Joy is what turns it all around
What makes a smile out of a frown
Let your joy astound
Inject joy and peace will abound

--O'Nika McGill--

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt, #168 WDYS

Interjection was first published on on Jan 15, 2023

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