
You Think You Have Problems

Image credit: Grin on Unsplash

You Think You Have Problems

Look at me with this bag on my hip
This is some kind of a trip
What kind of dog has to wear such a thing
This kind of attention is not what I want to bring

The bag has the nerve to read, grin
Wearing this is much to my chagrin
My human likes to play tricks
Meanwhile, all I want is to throw bricks

When they come my way with something weird
Their wayward thoughts I try to steer
Away from the clothes and people gear
I’m a dog, rules to which you must adhere

No fanny packs, no tutus, I just want to play fetch
Instead, they take my picture, makes me just retch
No more pictures please, no more pictures

Written in response to Sadje's prompt, What Do You See #187
http://What do you see # 187- May 22, 2023

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