


Overshadow was written in response to Sadje’s prompt, what do you see?

Image credit: Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Do Not Let It In

Do Not Let It In

Do not let it in
When you hear something scurrying about 
It is so tempting to open the door to investigate
Only to discover when you do
It is none other but the horned figure

The horned figure who is a chameleon
Disguising itself as something other
Other than the green-eyed bandit
Just lying in wait ready to use their pointer

The pointer to out everyone but themselves
When eyes are turned their way
They start to retreat and hide away in the shadow
Voice drops from 3 octaves down to one

One day they are dressed as a psychic
The next as a black belt in karate
Wonder what they will be the next time you see them
Maybe that same horned figure in dirty crocodile shoes

It can be tempting but don’t answer the door
Once the door is open the urge is hard to resist slamming it shut
Let the horned figure stay busy trying to get in
For they have nothing else to do

Do not let it in


Image by David Senior from Pixabay


Come Into the Light

Come Into the Light

Come into the light
All is not lost
Life can be a conundrum
Which do you choose; fight or flight?

Come into the light
Flames are still smoldering
Calling for your attention
Release the pressures you are shouldering

Come into the light
Turn on the wick
Accept light and love
Fulfillment comes real quick

Come into the light
Whether you choose fight or flight
Flames are still smoldering
Accept light and love

Image credit: Kier in Sight Archives on Unsplash

Come into the light was written in response to the picture prompt by Sadje, What do you see # 222- January 22, 2024.


Kind and Beautiful

Kind and Beautiful

Image by 51581 from Pixabay


Urban Renewal on Display


Urban Renewal on Display

Urban renewal on display
Brick and Mortar decay
Shiny material erected
Up, up and away

Brick and mortar are sturdy
Capable of withstanding 
Winds, hurricanes and the dirty
All except, rebranding

Shiny material being built up
Adjacent to brick foundations
Once thriving now obscure
Real estate moguls on the come-up

Concrete jungles disappearing
New structures and engineering
Urban renewal on display
Scores of people and their lives astray

Working people, families now dispersed
Throughout the city, worries mount
On deaf ears their cries fall, unrehearsed
The times this has happened; too many to count

Real estate moguls, investors and the like
Padding their pockets and feeling delight
Meanwhile everyday people are being discarded
Like old shoes when they should be safeguarded

The same people running the ship
Keeping the business afloat
While you sit back on your yacht or big boat
So, who is displaying true stewardship?

Image credit: Joshua Kettle on Unsplash

Urban Renewal on Display was written in response to the picture prompt by Sadje for What Do You See?


Before Spilling the Tea, Uplift Me

Before Spilling the Tea, Uplift Me

Spilling the tea requires no skill
It's just gossip at its best
Before you take me on this downward hill
Let me kick back and rest

The tea is a slippery slope
I can drink it black, herbal or with milk
After it goes down my throat, I'm able to cope
With the trolls and their ilk

Tea is supposed to relax and soothe
Use it to uplift the spirit and drown out the ugly
It's not meant to browbeat and bruise
Sip, sit back, kick up the heels and get snugly

Before spilling the tea, uplift me

---O'Nika McGill---

Image credit: Joni Ludlow on Unsplash

Before Spilling the Tea, Uplift Me is written in response to Sadje’s prompt. Before Spilling the Tea, Uplift Me

You Think You Have Problems

Image credit: Grin on Unsplash

You Think You Have Problems

Look at me with this bag on my hip
This is some kind of a trip
What kind of dog has to wear such a thing
This kind of attention is not what I want to bring

The bag has the nerve to read, grin
Wearing this is much to my chagrin
My human likes to play tricks
Meanwhile, all I want is to throw bricks

When they come my way with something weird
Their wayward thoughts I try to steer
Away from the clothes and people gear
I’m a dog, rules to which you must adhere

No fanny packs, no tutus, I just want to play fetch
Instead, they take my picture, makes me just retch
No more pictures please, no more pictures

Written in response to Sadje's prompt, What Do You See #187
http://What do you see # 187- May 22, 2023


Pleasure Furlough

Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

Deep breaths well needed
Respite from a busy life
Take in sights and sounds

—O’Nika McGill—

Topic Words of Wisdom

Show Your Hand, Raise It High

Show Your Hand, Raise It High

Show your hand, raise it high
Shyness has no place, let your aura shine
Block the naysayers, they will try to deny
The gold band protection, just like an alibi

Show your hand, raise it high
Let your positivity glow
Inspire people and make them smile
Where it comes from, they will never know

Show your hand, raise it high
When people feel like they can't
They look to you, see that it is possible
Doubt in their minds, start to recant

If the gold band gives you courage to muster
Your inner thoughts that make you fluster
Show your hand, raise it high
Gold band speaks for itself, no need to specify

--O'Nika McGill--

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt, What Do You See #179

Image Credit: Axel Ruffini @ Unsplash

Show Your Hand, Raise It High appeared first on on April 1, 2023

Topic Words of Wisdom

Grow Your Mental

Image by Beate from Pixabay
Listen to Grow Your Mental Recital
Growing your mental
Opens minds; developmental
Love and consciousness are life’s syllabus
The syllabus which teaches us

Leading with eyes only
Robs the soul and results to lonely
Lonely, pretentious and superficial
Love and meaning are most beneficial

Ask yourself when you look in the mirror
Do I manifest what I am seeking?
Searching hard for the answer brings you nearer
Realizing that arrogance, pride and conceit are what you are reeking

Maturity and mental growth
Brings us closer to an oath
That tells us life is about much more
Fulfillment, gratification and enrichment are in store

Exit the false prophecy
Visualize the hypocrisy
Newfound treasures appear before your eyes
Things unseen before suddenly materialize 

Wow, what a surprise!

Grow Your Mental first appeared on Inspire By O'Nika, March 22, 2023


This Is the Life

This Is the Life

You know you have it good
When you are in the neighborhood
Being toted around town
Puppy pads not touching down

Taking in the sights
With much joy and delight
Watching everyone on their feet
Walking to the tune of life's beat

From a place of comfort, I watch
Relishing in this life  
Letting the bunions breathe
I can take a reprieve

Sitting in my carrying tote
Feeling the breeze on my furry coat
Enjoying the beautiful scenery 
The lush trees, flowers and greenery

This is the life, this is the life

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt,

Image credit: Dex Ezekiel/Unsplash

This is the life was published first on on March 10, 2023

Diversity Topic Words of Wisdom


Unity is peace, Unity is the umbrella
Being united means coming together
Together for whatever comes our way
Differences, views and opinions

The issues will come our way almost every day
Unity will be the saving grace
Grace keeps our sanity together in every way

Grace begets compassion and understanding
Compassion for what is different than us
Understanding for things we don’t know
In our hearts grace and unity will overflow

Equality, acceptance, hope and love
Is what a sense of unity does
For communities both below and above

We may look different on the outside
But we all have blood running through our veins
Let not those things make us collide
When we have grace, love remains

Unity not division, lets love take over
What we thought we knew about one another
Take the time to speak 
Speak to that sister or brother

Resist the urge that breeds
Hatred, violence and racial bias
We may not always agree
Unity is what frees

Black history month and year long
Promote unity not the same sad song
Songs of brutality, racism and wrongs
Unity pushes everyone along

---O'Nika McGill---

Unity was first published on Inspire By O'Nika 
Feb 5, 2023

Topic Words of Wisdom


Image credit Cottonbro studios at Pexels


Excuse me, may I interject
Let me put things into retrospect
I am a human, animate
Between two sculptures, laminate

Laminate, sculptures void of life
Stone-faced, emotionless
Let me inject some feelings
Sadness, indifference, or joy will suffice  

Sadness has its place of reflection
The level of sadness depends on the inflection
Inflection in the voice of the owner
The owner who claims it

Indifference can go either way
You either care or you don't
Feelings have a way to sway
Even the most stone-faced and emotionless

Joy is what turns it all around
What makes a smile out of a frown
Let your joy astound
Inject joy and peace will abound

--O'Nika McGill--

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt, #168 WDYS

Interjection was first published on on Jan 15, 2023

Topic Words of Wisdom

Lost Memories of Yesteryear

Lost Memories of Yesteryear

Open me, open me
What is inside
The suspense is killing me
Taking me on a wild ride

A new pair of shoes
A new dress
My mind is wandering
Let me take a guess

Open me, open me
But please don't shake
The sound may give it away
What has taken a long time to make

A photo album 
put together nicely
Fond memories of yesteryear
Nothing too pricey

Open me, open me
If you get lonely or sad
Just look at the pictures
You will be glad you had

Memories of yesteryear
what a joy to see
lost in the back of my mind
What a delight to finally find

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt #166 WDYS

Image credit: Monstera at Pexels


Where’s My Sugar?

Image credit; Cottonbro studios on  Pexels

Where’s My Sugar?

Where's my sugar?
Are you going to kiss me or what?
These circles are starting to make me dizzy
Besides, I don't have all day, she says.
He replies, Alright, don't get in a tizzy

She adds, we don't have to touch
Just put your lips on mine
Pucker up and lay it on me
Really, is that too much?

Shyly, he says, It's just that...I'm in a daze
The circles put me in a trance
Your eyes are so beautiful
I'm locked in a gaze

Impatiently, she replies, the circle of life is not infinite
Maybe we'll meet again but I have to go now
When we next see, I'll lay a kiss on you so good
You can't help but to take a bow

Written in response to Sadje's prompt #165, what do you see?

Where's My Sugar was first published on on December 21, 2022