Diversity Topic Words of Wisdom

World Afro Day

September 15th is World Afro Day. Embrace those curls and natural hair. Let your coils, twists, braids, locks and afro shine. Wear your style proudly. Natural hair has a story and it is not just about the aesthetics. Although, it doesn’t hurt. It’s about much more. Think culture and history.

Black people and some people of mixed-race who wear their natural hair have faced discrimination because of their hair texture. Michelle De Leon started World Afro Day back in 2017. It is a cause to raise awareness and to educate about afro-centric hair. Society has instilled shame on people who have kinky or tight curly hair. It has long been a thing that if you had “textured” hair that you should implement some kind of straightening. Methods such as using a hot comb to straighten hair, or applying chemicals like Vigorol liquid, and relaxers are used.

These methods are harmful because there is risk of burning the scalp and skin. Not to mention, the long-term effects of the chemicals in these straightening products. Some people felt like they had to conform to societal pressures in order to get hired for a job. Also, to feel accepted.

Women from some Hispanic cultures, like the Dominican Republic also are stigmatized for having curly hair. They have faced pressures to have bone straight hair; hence the blow out styles. These blow outs use excessive heat which can have lasting damage to hair.

On World Afro Day, show your pride for afro hair. Post pictures on social media or share your hair experiences with others. The more people who understand about the afro hair culture the more will accept and embrace it. Rock those afro puffs, cornrows, box braids, afro or whatever style you wish! Because you can!

7 replies on “World Afro Day”

I have a natural wave in my hair that has been exaggerated due to my meds into a Sami Afro style. I used to get my hair keratin treated and dyed. Now recently, I’ve stopped doing both. Now I have salt and pepper, curly hair with remnants of brown dyed hair on the top. Most people have been complimenting me on my new hairstyle

Thank you for sharing, Sadje! I have color in my hair (trying to cover the greys, lol). I have had coarse hair my entire life and have gone natural for the last 5 years. I had to stop using chemicals in my hair. I have to tackle my natural hair and maintain it the best I can 😁

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