
Helpful Benefits of Plants

January 10th is National Houseplant Appreciation Day. All of us do not have green thumbs but there are plants out there for everyone. Some plants require more attention than others. The basics are water and sunlight. Let’s look at the helpful benefits of plants.

Houseplant on bookshelf

Houseplants give us a sense of calm and they also produce oxygen. If you want to observe National Houseplant Appreciation Day on January 10th, start by buying a plant if you do not have any. For the plants you already have, make sure they have water and the right amount of sunlight.

You might want to spruce up the place with the purchase of an added plant for the house. Consider gifting a houseplant to someone. This also might be a good day to teach your children about growing houseplants. I will admit, I do not have a green thumb, but I take my time and go slowly with nurturing and taking care of my plants.

Health benefits include mood boosting, removing dust particles from a room, added moisture during those winter months, fragrant plants for relaxation and medicinal plants like Aloe. Also, some plants help to clean the air and make breathing easier. Simply put, adding some greenery to your space has many positive benefits.

Don’t forget to talk to your plants. You will feel better, and it will make you smile too. Plus, they look and smell nice too.


Try these varieties to get you started!

  • Money Trees-require less water and light
  • Snake Houseplant- air purifying plant
  • Aglaonema Plant-splash of color and low maintenance
  • ZZ Plant- keep this one in low light/shady areas
  • Dieffenbachia Plant- needs medium-bright light. Works well for humid areas like kitchen and/or bathroom
  • Spider Plant- easy to maintain

Add some greenery to your space at home and try your hand to find your favorite plant variety. They are great stress relievers as well. Can you see the helpful benefits of plants and all their uses?

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