Tissue; So Close but Out of Reach
A Tanka
Cramped, I feel standing
In the subway car freezing
Can’t reach my pocket
Nose running; I need Kleenex
On lapel mucous escaped
Hope you enjoy Tissue: So Close but Out of Reach. Written in response to David’s W3 Prompt #141, Wea’ve Written Weekly prompt.
For anyone who has ever been on the subway and knows how tightly packed and crowded it is will understand. You can hardly move, nonetheless, reach into your pocket at the moment you need to the most. 😄
Thank you for reading!
12 replies on “Tissue; So Close but Out of Reach”
hi, O’Nika 😁
Just wanna let you know that this week’s W3, hosted by our beloved Sarah David, is now live:
Much love,
So relatable, O’nika—packed subway woes captured perfectly and hilariously! 😄
Much love,
Thank you, David! It’s just those simple things in life that we go through. Glad you liked it. 😃🙏
Your tanka is great, O’Nika! 👏
I wrote about the same situation of being in a tube train in my bussokuseki (minus the snot) 😁
Thank you! I appreciate it and I’m glad you enjoyed it! .🙏☺😃
Well that was a pip 😅
Thank you so much! 🙏😊
hahaha — very good. very true.
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed. 🙏☺
Your Tanka made me giggle. I’m sick and dealing with that now!
I’m glad you got a chuckle out of my poem 😊 It’s that time of year when we get sick. Hope you feel better soon! 😃