
Can You Answer This? How Do You Measure Success?

How Do You Measure Success?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Success means something different for everyone. The measure of success varies greatly from person to person. Some may feel successful by obtaining material things. The next person may measure success because they have achieved a goal that they set for themselves. You may be a success due to overcoming something that was out of reach. Wealthy people may say they are successful due to the size of their bank account.

In the digital age, there are many people who measure success by the number of followers they have on social media. Musicians are successful when they have topped the charts or surpassed a certain number of sales.

Success can be as simple as providing for yourself. Working, by either self-employment or a company is a way to have success. Securing a place to live, being employed, having a vehicle. Continually meeting personal milestones is another way to measure success.

Can you answer this? How do you measure success?

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