
Can You Answer This? What is Your Favorite Article of Clothing?

Styles change so often. As quickly as a new fashion comes out a few months later it is obsolete. Who can keep up with all the new styles of clothing. We all like what we like and no matter if that specific style goes away, we will continue to love it and wear it

Some of us have a favorite pair of shoes. It may be the color of the shoe or the way they feel on your feet. Maybe it is a favorite coat. You know those warm bubble coats or leather jackets. A sweater that fits just right and the material is so soft. But it has that little hole under the arm that no one can see. That pair of jeans that give the right amount of lift, even if they are a little faded.

Even if it has a hole in it or is out of style; what is that one favorite thing you love to wear? Is it an old pair of slippers, jeans with holes (and I don’t mean the ones that are made that way), or an old denim jacket. It might be an old tie that has sentimental value. In the winter, that pair of long johns that have a bleach stain on them (Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about).

I will confess, for many years my favorite thing to wear was a fleece pullover. It was very comfortable and warm. I didn’t have to iron it either (this was a plus 😊). I wear it on occasion, but it is not my go-to anymore.

Can you answer this? What is your favorite article of clothing?

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? Name something about yourself that you are proud of.

Can You Answer This? Name something about yourself that you are proud of.

We all have wonderful gifts and personality traits that are unique. Can you name something about yourself that you are proud of? Did you graduate at the top of your class? Maybe you won a medal in gymnastics. You are always the person people confide in because you are a good listener. Generosity may be your thing and you have a big heart.

Name the thing that you are most proud of and feel good about. Don’t be shy. It is healthy to toot your own horn and big yourself up; every so often. Give yourself some flowers because if you don’t, who will? Right?

Celebrate you, feel good about yourself.

We have different aspirations in life so no matter if you think it is a small thing, pat yourself on the back, hug yourself. You deserve it and do not diminish your accomplishments in life. If you purchased your first home; big yourself up. If you started your own business, kudos! The new book you published; well done!! Celebrate yourself. If not today, when?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash


Can You Answer This? What is your favorite Halloween costume?

Image by Евгения from Pixabay

A part of the fun on Halloween is dressing up. What is your favorite Halloween costume? Name a costume that you have worn, and it was your favorite. It can be one that you wore during your childhood years or as an adult. You only get one day to dress up and no one is going to judge. One of the things I like is to see all the different and cute costumes that the kids wear.

Some people go all out and spend a lot of money for a costume. The options are endless. You can wear something that you already have at home or mix it up with a purchase. Some people like to just use face paint and some like the whole-body outfit. Maybe, you don’t believe in Halloween at all. Do you feel that dressing up is just for kids?

What do you like to wear on Halloween? Do you like scary costumes or cartoon characters? You can create other costumes like a witch, nurse or even an animal. I have two personal favorites. One year I was a bag lady, and the other favorite was when I dressed up like Elvira. These were both two costumes I wore as an adult. Good times were had in both of these costumes.

Can you answer this? What is your favorite Halloween costume?


Can You Answer This? How To Pick Between Two Things that you Want Equally?

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

How do you pick between two things you want equally?

Hmm, decisions, decisions. Well, you are faced with the difficult choice of deciding which of two things you can have. Why not have them both? Sure, that’s the easy choice. But let’s consider, for a moment, that you can only have one of the two. Do you meditate on it, compare the two with pros and cons? Maybe you think of which one would last the longest or bring you more happiness. Do you take a practical stance, or do you decide to just wing it?

What method do you use to make a decision?


Can You Answer This? How Do You Measure Success?

How Do You Measure Success?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Success means something different for everyone. The measure of success varies greatly from person to person. Some may feel successful by obtaining material things. The next person may measure success because they have achieved a goal that they set for themselves. You may be a success due to overcoming something that was out of reach. Wealthy people may say they are successful due to the size of their bank account.

In the digital age, there are many people who measure success by the number of followers they have on social media. Musicians are successful when they have topped the charts or surpassed a certain number of sales.

Success can be as simple as providing for yourself. Working, by either self-employment or a company is a way to have success. Securing a place to live, being employed, having a vehicle. Continually meeting personal milestones is another way to measure success.

Can you answer this? How do you measure success?

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Can You Answer This? Is a Cat or Dog a Better Pet?

Image by G.C. from Pixabay

So, you are thinking about getting a household companion? While pets are cute and cuddly, they also come with responsibility. Before you adopt a pet think about what you are taking on. The last thing we want to happen is for a pet to be adopted and then sent back to the animal shelter. And who knows where they will end up from there.

Cats are a very independent species. They are nocturnal too, so keep that in mind. While you are trying to sleep, they might be up to shenanigans. Cats are self-sufficient, with cleaning themselves. They need fresh food and water. Also, their litter box should be cleaned often. Keep plenty of cat toys available too. They love to paw at things. The laser light keeps them occupied too. Felines have razor sharp, quick reflexes.

If you have a rodent problem, cats will keep that at bay. Sitting in the window is another past time that they like. I’m not sure why but some cats do not like you touching their bellies. Beware of the claws.

Dogs are another great and loyal household companion. They require more attention, with the need for daily walks. Dogs are great protectors and can ward off people with ill intent. Some dogs will destroy the house out of boredom. Make sure you have time to invest in your four-legged companion. Canines, like felines need toys, fresh food and water.

Both cats and dogs help to relieve stress. They give us a feeling of happiness. Another thing that is great, is that they are judgement free. They will love us just like we love them too. I think the answer depends on your energy level, household makeup, lifestyle and finances.

So, can you answer this? Is a cat or dog a better pet? What do you say?