Self Awareness Topic

Siding with the Masses

Siding with the Masses

The overwhelming amount of information is ever increasing. We see the latest, trending news and side with the masses. Or are you one to follow your own mind? Do you see a topic and automatically adopt the views of the masses?

It can be easy to go along with what everyone is saying or believing. At the end of the day, you have to hold your own truth. We get incoming traffic from TV, the internet, radio, people, videos, books and other forms. By “incoming traffic” I mean information.

The Source

Always consider the source. So often I witness people going along, or siding with the masses. Why? Follow your own mind. Rely on what you believe and know. It leads me to wonder if some people do it as a means of fitting in. Being with the “in crowd”. It’s that same “in crowd” that will get you into trouble.

The information we receive is not always aligned with our personal opinion. That is okay, nothing wrong with that. Just consider if you are receiving information from a source who likes to stir things up. Is the source coming from an objective point of view. Is the information being put out there to inform people or create hysteria? Consider the source.


If a group of people all agree on a subject, does it make it true? Or is the conversation more interesting when there are differing views?

Having a differing opinion on something does not make you an outcast. It just means that you believe in what you believe in and are not jumping on the bandwagon, with everyone else. Basic conversation may be a reason that people agree on subjects and follow along with the consensus. In some instances, it is okay to join the crowd if it is for conversation’s sake. Do your homework and research things for yourself. Oftentimes, there are bits of missing information.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A group may agree on a subject that you see all over the news, etc. It does not mean that someone else’s truth, is your own. Just because a friend, relative or group of people have a point of view, does not mean that it has to be yours as well. I’m not saying that you should not listen, and value the opinion of others. Yes, of course listen to the views of others but do not take it as your own reality. Especially, if it doesn’t fit. The same way another person feels a certain way, you have your own views and/or opinions. It does not mean that they are right, and you are wrong.

The information age has so much out there in the universe, and it comes at us every day. We can decide to block it out by turning off the news, not getting on the internet or listening to the radio. It then leads some people to feel like they are not informed if they do not have some type of incoming information. You decide how much of it you want to filter.

Staying up to date with all the media is exhausting at times. You hear so much information, then you have to figure out how much of it is true. Words sometimes have a way of swaying people into believing certain things.

A Closer Look

Research, research, research Taking on the truth of others or believing that your fate will be the same as people you know, is not the case. Approach personal situations based on your own circumstances, not those of others. Just like the common phrases that people overuse, what do they really mean? Some people are only repeating it because they hear it all the time.

We may have commonalities in life with people we know, but that does not mean the end result will be the same. We have to remember that we are in control of our behavior and cannot control what others do or say.

How do you decipher information you read or hear? Do you take it at face value, or do you confirm it for yourself? Do you find yourself siding with the masses or following your own mind?