
Can You Answer This? What is your favorite Halloween costume?

Image by Евгения from Pixabay

A part of the fun on Halloween is dressing up. What is your favorite Halloween costume? Name a costume that you have worn, and it was your favorite. It can be one that you wore during your childhood years or as an adult. You only get one day to dress up and no one is going to judge. One of the things I like is to see all the different and cute costumes that the kids wear.

Some people go all out and spend a lot of money for a costume. The options are endless. You can wear something that you already have at home or mix it up with a purchase. Some people like to just use face paint and some like the whole-body outfit. Maybe, you don’t believe in Halloween at all. Do you feel that dressing up is just for kids?

What do you like to wear on Halloween? Do you like scary costumes or cartoon characters? You can create other costumes like a witch, nurse or even an animal. I have two personal favorites. One year I was a bag lady, and the other favorite was when I dressed up like Elvira. These were both two costumes I wore as an adult. Good times were had in both of these costumes.

Can you answer this? What is your favorite Halloween costume?