Self Awareness Topic

Pay Attention to the Road

Looking at the phone and not the road

What should you do when operating a motor vehicle? Pay attention to the road. Keep the distractions and other activities at bay. Simply by giving attention to the task of driving can save so many lives. It can also, lessen the number of car accidents. Let’s face it, we do not want the hassle of dealing with police, car insurance companies, a total stranger and all that comes from being involved in a car crash.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Every time we get behind the wheel of a car, we need to think about the ramifications of driving distracted. Fatal car crashes happen, all too often and people get seriously hurt.

Distracted driving, what is it?

Driving and not totally engaging on the task at hand. If you have to look away from the road or take your hands off the wheel, you are driving while distracted. Operating a motor vehicle is serious business. These days people take it for granted and are overconfident while behind the wheel. Even if you are a skilled driver, you still have to drive defensively due to all the other cars on the road.

Some examples of distracted driving are eating while behind the wheel, applying makeup, talking or texting on the cell phone, and using GPS. Basically, anything that requires you to take your hands off the steering wheel or take your eyes off the road. Tending to small children in the car while in motion or driving with pets unrestrained can lead to distractions. Even for very short periods, this is dangerous.

What can we do?

Slow down and be alert. Keep in mind and take into account your surroundings. Where you are driving and be proactive about potential dangers. Example is while driving in a parking garage. There are people on foot who can step into your path. Keep in mind, the blind spots. You are in a moving vehicle, they are on foot. Watch for people who may be walking in the parking garage.

Park the car while you are eating. Do not start the engine and get on the road while you are eating food or drinking. Especially, hot beverages like coffee or tea, which can scald you if you spill your beverage. Eating requires you to use only one hand while driving and the other hand is holding the food. You can easily lose control while you only have one hand free to drive.

Apply your makeup at home before leaving the house. Get up earlier and make sure you apply your face before endangering the lives of others. You cannot focus on the road and drive safely, while you are looking in the mirror and putting on eye makeup, lipstick, etc.

Pull over and put the car in park if you need to text or call. It only takes a few extra minutes to ensure your safety and other drivers on the road. Too often I see people driving down the road with the cell phone and both hands on top of the wheel while they are texting. Or, the dead giveaway, is when the driver is looking down instead of straight ahead at the road. Better yet, keep the cell phone out of reach while driving.

Using GPS, global positioning systems are a great tool to have on the road. It also creates a distraction while driving. One way to use it safely is to pull over. Depending on the car you drive or the kind of GPS you are using, it may require you to take your eyes off the road and/or at least one hand.

Pay Attention to the Road

Another form of distracted driving is being on the road while under the influence. Whether you have been drinking or using other substances, this can severely alter your reaction times. Destroying people’s property and possibly killing someone is not worth it.

Driving while sleepy is another way we are on the road being distracted. If you are sleepy, you may nod out at the traffic light. Also, you may veer into oncoming traffic. It is very dangerous. Pull over and take a nap. Better yet, make sure you are well rested behind getting behind the wheel.

Distracted driving causes fatalities and changes the course of people’s lives forever. What are you going to say to the family of someone that you have murdered with your vehicle? I’m sorry is not going to cut it. Car accidents happen so fast but can also be avoided when we pay attention to the road. Think about pedestrians who may be crossing the street. Driving too fast can cause a person to lose control of the car. Everyone is in a rush these days. Slow down!

What are some tips that you use to cut down or stop distracted driving?

Image credit: Photo by Omar Al-Ghosson on Unsplash


Strange Things People Do

Ever wonder why we do some of the strange things we do? I can’t speak for everyone else, but I wonder about some weird things I see these days. Check out these examples.

People standing at the drive through window at the fast-food restaurant. It’s a drive through for a reason. Then they get mad when the employees don’t open the window for them.

What about when people put on a jacket, but they have on open toed shoes and shorts??? If it’s that cold, put on some long pants and cover your feet!

You answer the phone at your place of business and clearly say your name. The person on the other end says, “Is this Jackie?”. First of all, my name has more syllables in it. Secondly, my name does not sound like Jackie or start with the letter J?!?! People don’t pay attention. Are you listening?

You be like…

Ok, this one I see men doing a lot. Why do men drive faster when the road is wet? So, the ground is wet, which means it is slippery. Why drive faster on wet ground?? Please explain this to me.

We have turn signals/blinkers in the car for a reason. They are supposed to be used to let other cars know your intention to turn left, right or when you are changing lanes. I love this one… How about when people use their blinkers when they are making an illegal U-turn?!?! You are making an illegal U-turn and then you have the nerve to put on your blinker. Just ask the cops to give you a ticket!!

What about this one; the light in the turn lane is green and the car in front of you just sits there. Sits there until, either someone beeps at them or they wait until the arrow turns red again.?!?! Why? Are they thinking about it? I don’t know… Maybe they are on the cell phone…

Car horn beeping

Don’t send your plate back to the kitchen at a restaurant if your order is not right. You never know what they are doing to your plate of food in the kitchen on the second go-around. They are already mad that you are not satisfied with your meal. You are messing with your stomach when you do this. Then you wonder what that extra “crunchiness” is in your food??? Hmmm?!?!

People who have an attitude at the drive through when ordering their food. Don’t ever talk BS to the people at the drive through. You know that they are underpaid and overworked, the last thing they need is someone putting some extra “stank” on it. You might see something “unidentifiable” in your food. Think back to how you treated the person on the other end of the speaker. Just sayin’

Now, think about which one of these that you have done. You just have to laugh. Enjoy your day!