
Can You Answer This? Is forgiveness or justice more important?

Photo by Melanie Stander on Unsplash

Welcome back to Can You Answer This? I will start this off by answering the question. Is forgiveness or justice more important? I would definitely say that it depends on the situation. If you are on the receiving end of a crime, justice may be the first and only thing that comes to mind. I say that because if someone has committed a crime against you, of course you want them to pay for what they did. It sets the tone for others to think twice before doing the same thing, when a person or person(s) are prosecuted for their misdeeds. Some people learn from this, but others don’t. This is not a perfect world so we cannot be surprised by what we see going on.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

If the crime only involved material things and something was stolen, then forgiveness comes into play. Things can always be replaced. On the other hand, if the crime involved losing a loved one then justice needs to prevail. Sadly, a lot of these cases do not end in justice.

Forgiveness is not only for the person who committed the crime but also for the victim. If someone has hurt you in some way and you choose to forgive, it has an advantage to you too. That advantage is that it lifts some burden and stress from your life. When we forgive, it allows us to move on and not let it hold us back. I’m not saying that we forget what happened but it gives us some level of peace to be able to forgive. If we want others to forgive us for our mistakes, we must forgive too.

What do you think?