
Urban Renewal on Display


Urban Renewal on Display

Urban renewal on display
Brick and Mortar decay
Shiny material erected
Up, up and away

Brick and mortar are sturdy
Capable of withstanding 
Winds, hurricanes and the dirty
All except, rebranding

Shiny material being built up
Adjacent to brick foundations
Once thriving now obscure
Real estate moguls on the come-up

Concrete jungles disappearing
New structures and engineering
Urban renewal on display
Scores of people and their lives astray

Working people, families now dispersed
Throughout the city, worries mount
On deaf ears their cries fall, unrehearsed
The times this has happened; too many to count

Real estate moguls, investors and the like
Padding their pockets and feeling delight
Meanwhile everyday people are being discarded
Like old shoes when they should be safeguarded

The same people running the ship
Keeping the business afloat
While you sit back on your yacht or big boat
So, who is displaying true stewardship?

Image credit: Joshua Kettle on Unsplash

Urban Renewal on Display was written in response to the picture prompt by Sadje for What Do You See?