
Waiting and How It Changes Us

Waiting! Who has time for that? In today’s world a lot of things are instantaneous. We are expecting everything to happen at the speed of light. Well, I hate to break it to you but, sometimes you have to wait.

  • Patience
  • Peace
  • Creativity
  • Relaxation

We may try to move things along by making phone calls or going to speak to someone in person. This approach does not always work. It’s during those times that we get to regroup and refresh our minds. I know we can become frustrated while waiting but that’s where we begin to have patience.

Patience because we have no choice in that moment. Waiting is a humbling experience too. We think we can control the what’s, when’s and how’s but not always. Some things we can do while waiting are straighten up your dresser or bookshelves. Finish that project you have put off for months.

Let peace enter your life. By doing this we can lessen stress by not having to check our busy schedules. While waiting, do the things you like and not the things you have to do. Just be. When was the last time you were in a state of just being… I’ll wait.

Think about it. While waiting you can learn more about who you are and what things bring you peace. Think about the things that bring a smile to your face. We all have ups and downs. While we are in between those two places, waiting is pivotal. We come to the realization that being normal for a day or two and not over-scheduled is wonderful. That is the peace I’m talking about.

When we lack something and are waiting, this is a time that waiting breeds creativity. A short example is if we do not have gas, we lack the ability to drive our car. We may be waiting for payday to fill up again. Take this time to enjoy yourself. No need to stress about driving across town to do an errand you didn’t want to do in the first place.

Waiting also teaches us that it is not always about us, what we want and when we want it. We lose the sense of entitlement, which is where the humble comes into play. We do not have to fill up every slot on our daily calendars. Our bodies and minds need that time of rest and relaxation.

Has waiting changed you in any way?

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Canopy of Protection. Where Do You Find Peace?

Peaceful place, Image by Alex Ru from Pixabay

What is it?

A canopy of protection is a place that most are familiar with and frequent very often. If you don’t recognize it, then you may want to make some adjustments. The canopy of protection is not a place that you invite everyone. It takes special and select people to be allowed to enter. This is a place that you create and set the tone. If anyone dares to defile it, then they must be escorted out. Do not allow anyone to darken, your canopy of protection or cause it to collapse. It is one of the few places where you can truly be you and not have to make any apologies. Be your true self and make it as loud or as peaceful as you want.

Where is your canopy?

Your canopy of protection is anywhere you want it to be. It can be physical or mental. What do I mean? A physical canopy of protection can be a place like your home, the park, a restaurant. The place you sleep at night. Also, it can be a she-shed/man cave. Make it a special place that you go when you want some peace and quiet. A place to be alone with your thoughts.

A mental canopy of protection is when you go to a place; metaphorically, in your mind when things are in chaos. It is when you think of certain things or places in your mind and you stay there for as long as you need or want to. It’s your place of protection from outside forces and elements. To counteract stress, picture or think about more pleasant things, and you are left feeling unbothered.

Who is Allowed?

The answer to this is truly a personal choice. You can let people who are close to you under your canopy. You may only let your family and/or pets in. Some people may be allowed to enter for a short time. Some may be allowed permanent access. Maybe no one is allowed. We all process the elements of life differently and may want the solitude. So, in this case the canopy of protection is a place to be solo. No exceptions.

Why is it needed?

The canopy of protection is necessary for many reasons. The whys will vary from person to person. It is a tool to use when you may feel overwhelmed, sad, stressed, depressed or just in a funk. The canopy of protection is there too because of the times we are faced with a difficult decision.

When do you go there?

During those times of uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion and chaos. Those are the essential times when you go to your canopy of protection. Doing so will usually provide some clarity and/or answers to those daunting questions. You will find that taking a step back and going to your canopy will bring you out in a much healthier and happier state of mind.

Even when you do not come out with a solution, you will be much more peaceful for it. You can come back to a situation with a clear mind and a new, more positive outlook.

Self Awareness Topic

Chasing Away the Chaos

Chasing away the chaos
Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

Chasing away the chaos. Ever wonder when you turn on the TV if there will be good news? The war in Ukraine is still ongoing. Gun violence is still rampant. Gas prices are on the rise, once again. Food prices are steadily increasing. Housing costs are through the roof. Is there any relief in sight?

The chaos that goes on today poses a question about what to do to find some semblance of calm? One way to chase away the chaos is to stop watching the news. I can’t remember the last time I saw something good on the news. While it is imperative to stay informed about what’s going on, it is also sad and depressing.

Changing the world is no easy task but we can start with changing the way we see things. Look at things in a positive light and focus on that. It is very easy to fall into the negative zone and the gloom and doom takes over. Think of someone who always has something to complain about. Something is always a problem, or they are always, “in their feelings”.

Things may not be sweet all the time but there is always something positive in every situation. In some cases, people choose to focus on the negative aspect. Why is that?

Below is a previous article about inner peace. Maybe it will help with chasing away the chaos in your world. I hope it sheds some light and helps to turn things around for those going through a dark situation.

Info Topic

Public Safety and You-Let’s End the Violence

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In these times of increasing violence happening all over the world, I wanted to shine some light on this program. Cure Violence Global is a program aimed at stopping violence in high crime areas and was started in the year 2000. In the last few years, the cities of Winston-Salem, Durham and Greensboro in North Carolina are participating in this important effort. This program exists in other states around the world. Listening to the news while getting ready for work is how I learned about Cure Violence Global.

I hope more cities in the state and in other areas where violence is rampant join in as well. Other places have similar programs to help address issues in their communities. I just wanted to highlight this one and say kudos! I think this initiative is very important and is well needed. The link provided gives more information about who they are and what they do.

About Us – Cure Violence (

This post ties in to a previous post about Gun Violence- We Can Do Without It. See below.

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the shooting victims in Buffalo, New York.


Inner Peace

Image by Delyth Williams from Pixabay

Looking for inner peace?

You ask, “what is inner peace”?  It is your state of calm, your state of peace for yourself. Inner peace is like calm, serenity, tranquility, etc. It is something that is meant to be cherished and it is also different for everyone.  Think of it as your coat of armor or your shield. Once you find inner peace you are already prepared and equipped to deal with any negative and/or stressful situation that may arise.

With the holidays approaching and all the other life stressors finding that positive head space is important. This time of year for a lot of people is busy, busy, busy. Having a way to take a quick break when you feel overwhelmed is important.

How do you find your calm?

You may find inner peace by listening to music.  You might find it by doing Yoga.  Maybe you can find your inner artist and try sketching or drawing. Everyone has something or some way of finding their own inner peace, serenity or calm. It has to be something that is fun and brings a smile to your face.

No one can achieve this for you.  Looking within is the key to this. So, finding inner peace is something that must be deliberate.  Otherwise, we fall victim to other people’s drama. When we let people suck us in with negativity and drama, it can cause internal conflict.  It causes stress and this is no good for anyone. With stress comes other things down the road like diabetes, hypertension, etc., etc.

Achieving inner peace means to do whatever it is that brings you calm when you need it.  Remember, do not look to others for your state of serenity and calm.

For instance; if you are at work and you have a coworker(s) coming to your office and spreading gossip.  You know that gossip is nothing good and you don’t want to participate.  What do you do?  You can politely say something like; I am really busy and I need to finish my work now.  Walk away.  Go to that place in your mind that allows you to destress and dismiss the negativity going on around you.  If you need to just go somewhere and be alone. Do it!! It will be the best thing you can do for yourself. 

I achieve my inner peace by going for a walk when I feel stressed or if I feel negative emotions creeping in.  Additionally, I listen to music, with headphones on.  Using headphones makes the sound a lot more clear and prominent.  Sometimes, I picture a place that I have been to where I felt at peace.  These are just a few ways that I find my inner peace.

Suggestions to finding your tranquility

A few ideas to get you started are:

  • Watching your favorite movie/TV show- get in a good head space, watch something that makes you laugh or something that lifts your mood
  • Go for a drive- Get in your car and roll the windows down. Let the fresh air in and sing at the top of your lungs. Make sure to lock your car doors though. Be aware of your surroundings, very aware.
  • Having your favorite dessert- Ice cream, cake or your favorite fruit.  Anything that will cheer you up. Ok now… I don’t mean eat a whole family size bag of chips or the entire carton of ice cream.
  • Meditation- Saying a mantra or sitting with eyes closed in a quiet place. This can include deep breathing too.
  • Exercise- Get on the treadmill, elliptical or lift some weights.  Whatever will get the blood flowing and release those endorphins. Dancing is fun and is a great way to exercise.
  • Walking/jogging- If you are in good shape and are a jogger, go for it!  I don’t mean me in this case, lol. The fresh air and green grass does wonders for the senses.  If jogging is not your thing, walking is always great too.
  • Listening to music- play your favorite songs and sing out loud.  This is a great way to bring some peace of mind to certain situations. 

Looking for inner peace

In conclusion, finding your calm and inner peace is very important. With the things happening in the world today, we need this. Let me say again; we need this! I hope that I have helped you find ways to your peace and tranquility. I would love to hear from you to find out what method(s) work for you.  Feel free to comment by clicking the comment button at the top of the post.