
What is your Favorite Christmas Movie?

What is your favorite Christmas movie? The holiday season is here. During this time of year, there are a ton of holiday movies playing. You can watch an animated version, a Christmas comedy, a romance or the regular kind. A few titles come to mind when I think about some of my favorites.

Home Alone– Kevin gets into all kinds of things when he gets left behind by the family. He comes up with some clever plots to stop would-be burglars who think the house is empty.

This Christmas– This Christmas is a movie about more than the holidays. It is about family, love, and life. I’m sure most of us can relate to at least one character in this movie. There is some good music in this one too.

A Charlie Brown Christmas– This one is a classic, if you like the Peanuts gang! It always puts me in a good mood when I watch it.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas– Jim Carrey (the Grinch) is up to no good in this one.

The Best Man Holiday– Even though this one was a little sad, there is some laughter too.

Black Nativity– Some life lessons and good singing in this one to lift your spirits.

Drop a note and share with us, what is your favorite Christmas movie? Don’t be shy 🙂

4 replies on “What is your Favorite Christmas Movie?”

I remember growing up with only a few VHS tapes to watch, and nothing much on TV. So every time I sat down to eat, I watched this tape Trapped In Paradise with Nicholas Cage in it. That quickly became my favourite Christmas movie, lol. Not typical, but a fun one!

I remember VHS tapes; those were the days 🙂 Thank you for sharing, Stuart! As long as you enjoyed it, that’s all that matters. What’s typical these days? 🙂

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