
Must Be the Music, Reggae and Disco

Must Be the Music- Reggae and Disco.

Music has the power to take you places, you didn’t think it could. It evokes emotions like happiness, sadness, love and confusion. Another thing music does is to inform. If you listen to socially conscious songs you will definitely get an education.

Music genres like jazz, Reggae, neo-soul, R &B, Rap/Hip Hop, House, gospel, funk and Disco all reflect a time that most can relate to. I will focus this post on Reggae and Disco.

Image by Ozan from Pixabay

July 1

International Reggae Day

Did you know that International Reggae Day is celebrated every year in Kingston, Jamaica on July 1? Reggae is a combination of R&B, African, calypso and Latin music. While this style of music started in Jamaica it is popular in the United States, Africa and Great Brittain.

On this day you might want to cook some Carribean food and try a new recipe. Watch a movie or documentary inspired by and about Jamaica and its culture. Play your favorite Reggae music.

Who are some of your favorite Reggae artists? What does Reggae music represent to you?

July 2

National Disco Day

Music makes you smile, cry, dance, sing, and nod. You know those days when you need a little pep in your step, just play something up-tempo, like Disco.

National Disco Day is July 2. Disco was popular during a time of crime, political unrest, gang violence and a time of rising homophobia.

Disco was a time of bell bottom pants, platform shoes, afros, the club scene with strobe lights and disco balls. It was an era with a lot of partying happening. This partying provided a way to take your mind off of some of the social plights going on at the time.

What disco songs did you love to dance to?

Diversity Info Topic Words of Wisdom

What Brings You Here April?

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

April is the 4th Month of the year. It is also the beginning of the Spring season. April brings showers to nourish the land for the flowers to bloom and the trees to grow. The zodiac signs, Aries and Taurus fall in the month of April too. Let’s see what else April brings.

Good Friday is April 7th this year. Also known as Easter Friday. This is the day that Christian’s commemorate the day Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. On this holy day, some Christian’s will have special prayer services. People will participate in fasting on Good Friday. Other’s may avoid eating meat. It sounds ironic that a day of death is called good. The name Good Friday was, at one time, called God’s Friday.

Easter Sunday is on April 9th. The day Jesus Christ was resurrected is called Easter. This is one of the most celebrated and observed days of the year. The Christian community holds this day as very important. And with good reason. Church service, meals, prayers and moments of silence are just a few ways that people observe Easter. Coloring of eggs and Easter egg hunts are some events that families indulge in with their children for Easter.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

April 11th is National Eight Track Tape Day. What is an eight track you ask? Well…it is what we used to play music before days of cassette tapes and CDs. You have to be “seasoned” to know what an eight track is. Ford was the first car company to make factory and dealership-installation available in their automobiles. Eight track tapes were popular during the years spanning from the 60-80s. If you are feeling nostalgic, take today to dust off those old eight tracks (if you can find any of them). Take a stroll down memory lane. The days of the eight track tapes may be long gone but they do hold many fond memories during those eras of music.

Image by wongpear from Pixabay

April 17- Haiku Poetry Day. Exhibit your writing skills with a Haiku poem. This style of poetry was started in Japan. A Haiku typically consists of 17 syllables and has three lines. The rules of proper format of a Haiku have changed over time. Have fun with it and write your own Haiku.

Tax Day is April 18th.

National Piñata Day– April 18- National Piñata Day has been around since as early as the 13th century. It has been a tradition in the Chinese, European and Mexican cultures. As you can see, non-Hispanic people participate in Piñata Day too. The bright colored candy containers can be filled with small party favors, candy, gifts and whatever your imagination will allow. A lot of these paper mâché sculptures are in the form of animals, various shapes and some are in the form of faces. While Piñata’s are typically associated with children and parties, they are used for other reasons. Some countries have used them in protest of local politicians and/or causes. I like to associate Piñata’s in a fun way. Even though you have to hit them to get the prizes out, you can make fun games of it. Make your own Piñata. You can find online videos on how to do this.

Photo by santiago filio on Unsplash

Stop Food Waste Day– April 26 Ever wonder how many people can be fed and not go hungry? Many more, if we stopped wasting food. One way to do just that is to only buy as much food as you can use. Bring leftovers the next day for lunch or have it for dinner. Store food in a way so that it does not go bad. The food industry plays a major part and can help to stop the wasting of food. Some restaurants throw the food away at the end of closing. Local shelters could benefit from this food to feed those that are homeless and do not have access to meals.

Diversity Topic Words of Wisdom

Women’s History Month in Music

Women’s History Month in Music

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

It’s Women’s History Month. Let’s talk about a female hip hop and funk group who was pivotal in these genres of the music.

What do you get when you add Angie B, Blondy and Cheryl the Pearl? Drumroll please… meet The Sequence. A trio of women from South Carolina who performed a fusion of hip hop and funk music. Angela Brown, Gwendolyn Chisolm and Cheryl Cook made up the first female group to release songs under Sugar Hill Records.

The most notable song by the group is “Funk You Up”, which came out in 1979. You may also remember the song, “Monster Jam with Spoonie Gee”. In the 90s Angela Brown aka Angie Stone later joined the music group Vertical Hold before going solo in 1999. She has also performed in theater, TV and movies.

Angie Stone-Mahogany Soul Album

Gwendolyn “Blondy” Chisolm and Cheryl “The Pearl” Cook released a single in 2011 titled, “On Our Way to the Movies”. The Pearl also wrote songs for the Sugar Hill Gang and scores of other artists. She went on to start her own company called Black Bottom Entertainment.

The Sequence is very important in the history of women, music and hip hop. Their first single topped the music charts for three weeks and went Gold. Other artists have sampled their music. Even though the hip hop genre is more prominent in NY, The Sequence held their own and made their mark being from the South. They have helped to lay the foundation for subsequent female hip hop groups and solo MCs, that we know and love.

The influence of The Sequence can still be felt and heard, even today. Give them their due for what they have laid down for women groups who came after them. For whatever reason, The Sequence has not been given the credit they deserve. When I think of The Sequence I think of a trio of inspiration and talent.

Info Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

January O Enero, New Beginning

New Year’s Day

January 1

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

January O Enero, New Beginning. Happy New Year! It’s 2023 and time for a new beginning. What do you resolve for the new year? This is the chance for new goals, new wishes and a time to reflect. Reflect on the year gone by and how you want to spend this next year. Pledge to yourself to add a new skill and/or hobby, pledge to make your health a priority. Pledge to be a little nicer to others as you are to yourself. Think about what you can change to make this year better than the last.

Women Rock! Day

January 3

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Women Rock! Day brings to mind, Tina Turner, Pat Benatar, and Aretha Franklin. Women have blazed a trail into the male dominated industry of Rock N’ Roll. Aretha set the stage for being the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Other women to join the ranks of the Queen of Soul, Aretha, include Stevie Nicks, Janis Joplin, Tina Turner, Gladys Knight, Etta James, Debbie Harry, Madonna and a host of others. A notable performer is Pat Benatar who came on the scene in the late 70s with her debut album, “In the Heat of the Night”. Tina Turner, Queen of Rock N’ Roll, has been in the music industry for about 40-50 years. These women, among others came in and made their stamp on music for women performers today.

World Braille Day

January 4

Image by OpenIcons from Pixabay

Braille is a form of writing for the visually impaired or blind. This was created by Louis Braille who himself became blind, at 10 years of age, due to a self-inflicted accident. The Braille system uses touch and a six-dot formation. The creation of braille is invaluable to those who cannot see. It has allowed the visually impaired the ability to communicate and read like those who still have sight. Since 2018 the United Nations General Assembly declared this a national holiday. On World Braille Day help raise awareness. Learn Braille so that you can help people who may not know how to read it. Braille helps to make people who have lost their sight feel inclusive. Even though individuals may not be able to see, they have other senses to use in order to go about their daily lives. January is also Braille Literacy Month.

Did you know? You can buy toys in Braille. Also, Math and Science has a form of Braille called the Nemeth Code.

Three Kings Day

January 6

Image by Pablo Elices from Pixabay

Epiphany, Three Kings Day, Día de Los Reyes is January 6th. It marks the last day of the extended Christmas holiday in many Latin American countries. On this day, it is said that the 3 wise men gave gifts to Baby Jesus. Of course, good food is involved for this occasion. Some families enjoy a meal outdoors. More like a feast which includes dishes of beans with rice, slow roasted meat, plantains, soups and other traditional Latin cuisine. Also, king cake is a part of this celebration. This is a ring-shaped cake with a hidden doll baked inside. The doll symbolizes Baby Jesus. Should you be the one to get the doll inside it means that you have to bring the next king cake. Also, it signifies that you will have prosperity and luck.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 16

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Today we observe the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr who was born on January 15, 1929. He was a non-violent, civil rights leader.

Why is he celebrated?

  • He had a hand in desegregation. Gone are the days of separate water fountains, bathrooms and seating on public transportation among Black and White people.
  • Dr. King fought to eradicate racism. He fought for civil and economic rights of people.
  • MLK was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • The voting rights act of 1965 is to his credit. Had he not persisted and held the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Selma, Alabama, this law might not have been passed.

As you can see, he is responsible for bringing people together and effecting change for the better. And not just Black people, but all people.

Did you know?

Samuel L. Gravely (1922-2004) was the first African American to command a United States Navy Warship. He also joined the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity., the first fraternity for African Americans. He accomplished a lot of first achievements in the military for African Americans.

National Puzzle Day

January 29

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

National Puzzle Day is a way to exercise your brain. Whether you like Jigsaw puzzles, crosswords or Jenga it does not matter, they all provide benefits for the brain. Doing puzzles are stress relievers and fun. You can do a jigsaw puzzle by yourself or with friends and family. You can start off with a small jigsaw and work your way up to 500-1000 pieces. Enjoy yourself, these are not just for kids but there are plenty of adult puzzles out there.

National Stalking Awareness Month

Photo by Jaclyn Moy on Unsplash

Stalking– the act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death especially because of express or implied threats.

In January we bring attention to this important topic. Stalking is a crime in all 50 states and Washington D.C. This is not limited to physical stalking but cyberstalking as well. Women are stalked almost 3 times more than men. In 2011, former President Barack Obama made the first proclamation for stalking awareness. If you feel that you are being stalked and are in immediate danger, call 911. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut. Let your family/friends know if you feel like you are being followed, receiving threats, getting unwanted attention. Do not engage with a stalker. If you can, gather evidence. We all have the right to feel safe at work, home or anywhere we go. Spread awareness and be safe.


What is your Favorite Christmas Movie?

What is your favorite Christmas movie? The holiday season is here. During this time of year, there are a ton of holiday movies playing. You can watch an animated version, a Christmas comedy, a romance or the regular kind. A few titles come to mind when I think about some of my favorites.

Home Alone– Kevin gets into all kinds of things when he gets left behind by the family. He comes up with some clever plots to stop would-be burglars who think the house is empty.

This Christmas– This Christmas is a movie about more than the holidays. It is about family, love, and life. I’m sure most of us can relate to at least one character in this movie. There is some good music in this one too.

A Charlie Brown Christmas– This one is a classic, if you like the Peanuts gang! It always puts me in a good mood when I watch it.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas– Jim Carrey (the Grinch) is up to no good in this one.

The Best Man Holiday– Even though this one was a little sad, there is some laughter too.

Black Nativity– Some life lessons and good singing in this one to lift your spirits.

Drop a note and share with us, what is your favorite Christmas movie? Don’t be shy 🙂

Diversity Topic

Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight on Sports, Music, Writing, Politics

Hispanic Heritage Month is underway. Take a look into some influencers from the Hispanic and Latin American communities.

Sports- Roberto Clemente was a Puerto Rican professional baseball player.

Video by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay

The Pittsburg Pirates is the team for which he played 18 seasons of major league Baseball. The first Latin-American player to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. During the off-season of Baseball, he would deliver food and baseball equipment to those who needed it. Roberto Clemente died at the early age of 38 in a plane crash. This plane crash happened while on the way to help victims of an earthquake in Nicaragua. Not only did he make his mark in Baseball but also he will be remembered as a humanitarian.

Quote- “A nation without heroes is nothing.” Roberto Clemente

Music/Entertainment-Jennifer Lopez– A Puerto Rican singer, dancer and actress.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Jennifer Lopez also called J Lo, has been going strong for many years. She has released music, starred in movies and also was a dancer on the show, In Living Color as one of the Fly Girls. While encompassing motherhood and married life, J Lo has not shied away from her aspirations. Not only has she acted in movies but also produced several of the same. Most recently she has won the Icon Award at the iHeartRadio Music Awards this year. She also has clothing and perfume. Needless to say, Jennifer Lopez is successful in her multi-faceted career. She has many accolades to her name and is a very influential person in the music and movie industries.

Quote- “Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.” Jennifer Lopez

Writer-Julia Alvarez-A Dominican American writer.

Image by Chen from Pixabay

Julia Alvarez writes poems, essays and novels. Her poem, Exile reflects upon the time her family had to run to the United States. In 2013, she received a National Medal of Arts award. This award was presented to Julia Alvarez by president, Barack Obama. The highest award given by the United States government for artists and art patrons. Some of her notable works include, In the Time of the Butterflies, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents and Yo!.

Quote- “A book does not discriminate against anyone. All are welcome to the table of literature.” Julia Alvarez

Politics-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez– A very visible political figure.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was born to Puerto Rican parents in the Bronx, New York. She was on the campaign trail in 2016 with Bernie Sanders. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) attended the Dakota Access Pipeline protests in North Dakota. Also, AOC was there in support of the Flint, Michigan water crisis. In 2018 she was elected into the House of Representatives. In support of climate change, she has been outspoken and is involved in the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal encompasses the reduction of air and water pollution, addressing wages and union jobs. Creating green jobs and ending use of fossil fuels is the goal.

Quote- “I don’t think any person in America should die because they are too poor to live.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Reggaeton; Love It or Hate It

Daddy Yankee
Image by Creative Hatti from Pixabay

What is Reggaeton?

What is reggaeton? You can call it Spanish rap, reggae en Español, dancehall or Caribbean music. No matter what you call it, this music gets your body moving. If you hear a reggaeton song and you are not out of your seat or nodding your head; something is wrong. Reggaeton combines different styles of music for songs with a unique sound. Lyrics to reggaeton are in rapping format or in singing format.

Daddy Yankee, “Gasolina”

Tego Calderon, “Pa Que Retozen”

Where Did Reggaeton Come From?

Debate about the true origin of reggaeton is still open. Some say reggaeton originated in Panama. Others will say Puerto Rico, Jamaica or Dominican Republic. The music genre called Reggaeton was born from a song by Shabba Ranks called, ‘Dem Bow”. This song helped mold what Reggaeton has evolved into today. No matter where it came from it definitely has a distinct sound. There is no denying the rhythm and how this music will make you move.

Tego Calderon
Image by micromundosdefelicidad from Pixabay

Acceptance of Reggaeton

Some people regard reggaeton with a negative connotation. Reggaeton has been banned in some countries. People feel that it contributes to delinquency, that it is too sexual and portrays violence. Many of the videos show women half-dressed and dancing provocatively. It is the same as other music videos of similar genres.

Ivy Queen, “Yo Quiero Bailar”

Try listening to some of the reggaeton artists. You may be surprised to learn that you like the music. All of the songs are not the same with the same message. Some reggaeton music has a little bit of a softer sound. Check it out and you may discover a new love for Reggaeton.

Wisin & Yandel, “Prende ft. Franco el Gorilo, O’Neill

Reggaeton artists that you might have heard of are Tego Calderon, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Pitbull and Wisin & Yandel. Let’s not forget the female reggaeton artists Karol G, Ivy Queen, Becky G, Farina, Anitta, Rauw Alejandro.

Reggaeton is the type of music that you either love or hate. You decide.

Info Topic

Radio Interview ft. O’Nika

Image by Luis David Garcia Valdez from Pixabay
Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents ft. O’Nika McGill July 10, 2022
For anyone who missed the show, Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents on iHeart Radio- WDRB Media- The Voice of the Community. You can check it out here. Thank you all for listening!

The host, Ock the Barber will be interviewing me to promote my blog, Inspire By O’Nika.  Topic discussion will include my posts on Hip Hop Music Culture of the 80s and 90s, Gun Violence- We Can Do Without It, Self Esteem and Why It’s Important and a host of other things.

A little about the show, Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents.
The host is Ock the Barber and he is also the owner of a mobile barber shop.  As the name of the show indicates, the show is related to Hip Hop.  You will hear Ock along with Louis Hicks, Jr. tackle some subjects like stress, ghostwriting and a tribute to DJs. Even if you do not listen to Hip Hop, you will hear about other things happening in the community.  The show will not disappoint. If you want to hear some grown up, clean discussions and music which also includes other things going on take a listen to this radio station.

Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents airs on Sundays at 12:00 am
on iHeart Radio-WDRB Media- The Voice of the Community. 

I want to give a big thank you to Ock the Barber and Louis Hicks, Jr for making this opportunity possible! 


What is Your Favorite Music Collab?

Image by kalhh from Pixabay

The songs listed here are some of my favorites. I have to say Method Man ft. Mary J Blige, ‘All I Need’ is MY favorite; (the razor sharp version!) That joint is fire, still to this day!

What is your favorite music collaboration? Is it anyone on this list or someone else? There is so much good music out there it is hard to narrow down the list but who do YOU pick as your favorite?

Queen Latifah ft. Monie Love- “Ladies First”

Panjabi MC ft. Jay Z-“Beware of the Boys”

Method Man ft. Mary J. Blige- “All I Need” (Razor sharp version)

Nicki Minaj ft. Eminem-“Roman’s Revenge”

Aaliyah ft. DMX- “Come Back in One Piece”

Marley Marl, Big Daddy Kane, Kool G Rap, Masta Ace, Craig G- “The Symphony”


Rhythm and Blues

R & B Music

R&B Artists

R&B; what happened to it? Where you at? R&B music was so live back in the day. I’m talking about the 80s and 90s. There were groups and solo artists like Jodeci, TLC (rest in peace Left Eye), Ginuwine, Case, Mary J. Blige. H-Town, Ready For the World, Force M.D.’s, Monica, Usher, 112, Janet Jackson, Silk, Can I get a witness in here?!?! Don’t act like y’all don’t know, lol

Some of the R&B music was mostly in slow tempo but some you could dance to. Even though the music was about love, being in love, breaking up, making up and everything in between everybody could listen to it. You didn’t have to be in love to listen to R&B. You can just sing along to it and play it in your car. Another thing people did while listening to some of these songs is make love. Throw on your favorite R&B song and do “the do”. Don’t act like y’all haven’t done this before. The right song would set the mood and make things right.

Bell Biv DeVoe- When Will I See you Smile Again?

Jodeci- Come and Talk to Me, Feenin’

Keith Sweat- How Deep is your Love

LSG- My Body

Aaliyah (rest in peace)-Back and Forth, One in a Million

TLC- Waterfalls

Boyz II Men- On Bended Knee

New Edition- Mr. Telephone Man, Can You Stand the Rain

Mary J. Blige- My life, Not Gon’ Cry, (I can go on…)

H-Town- Knockin’ da Boots

N II U- I Miss You

Jagged Edge-I Gotta Be

Force M.D.’s- Here I Go Again, Tender Love

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

We need some of the R&B groups and solo artists to come back. I know that music groups break up for many different reasons. Some of the members can’t get along. Maybe the music contract is not right. Just many things that come along with the industry. All I’m saying is bring the R&B back.

Mary J. Blige-Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Alicia Keys-Image by AliceKeyStudio from Pixabay


Hip Hop Music Culture Of the 80s and 90s

If you are from the Jersey or New York scene and of a certain age, then you know there was a lot of great music from those times. Also, some movies influenced and helped bring recognition to the hip hop culture of the 80s and 90s.

Think back to Krush Groove, Breakin, Juice, Beat Street, Wild Style, New Jack City just to name a few. Back in the days of the 80s and 90s we also had break dancing, roller skating, and a host of other things that came together with the music. I mean skating with 4 wheels, 2 in the front and 2 in the back. Not the in-line skates. We listened to music on a beat box- a big radio that had a handle on top to carry around on the block or to take outside and sit on the steps. Also, we had what was called a walkman- which was a portable music player. We played music on cassette tapes and vinyl records. CDs came on the scene later on down the line.

When I think back to hip hop music of the 80s and 90s these names come to mind:

  • LL Cool J-14 Shots to the Dome
  • MC Lyte-Lyte As a Rock
  • 3rd Bass-The Cactus Album
  • De La Soul- 3 Feet High and Rising
  • Chubb Rock- And the Winner is
  • EPMD- Strictly Business
  • Channel Live ft. KRS One- Mad Izm
  • Big Daddy Kane-Ain’t No Half-Steppin’
  • Mobb Deep-Survival of the Fittest
  • Cypress Hill-Black Sunday
  • Special Ed-I Got It Made
  • Big Pun -Still Not a Player
  • Queen Latifah-All Hail the Queen
  • King Sun- Righteous But Ruthless
  • Mad Lion- Take It Easy
  • Salt N Pepa-Hot Cool Vicious
  • Lil Kim-Hard Core
  • Foxy Brown- Ill Na Na
  • Brand Nubian-One For All
  • Nice and Smooth-Nice & Smooth
  • Run DMC-Tougher Than Leather
  • Onyx-Bacdafucup
  • Method Man- Tical
  • Public Enemy-Don’t Believe the Hype
  • Fat Joe- Jealous One’s Envy
  • DMX-It’s Dark and Hell is Hot
  • Mary J Blige-What’s the 411?
  • Missy Elliott- Supa Dupa Fly
  • The Notorious BIG- Ready to Die
  • Craig Mack- Flava in Ya Ear
  • The Lox- Money Power Respect
  • Nas- It was Written
  • Eric B and Rakim-Paid in Full
  • Jay Z-Reasonable Doubt
  • Snoop Doggy Dogg-Doggystyle
  • Tribe Called Quest-Bonita Applebum
  • KRS One-Return of the Boom Bap
  • Dr. Dre- The Chronic
  • Eminem-Slim Shady LP

Back in those days there was a sense of community. You could go out for the day with your family and hear some good music in the street. People would be on the train and bus with their boom box and you can jam all day long, no matter where you went. In Washington Square Park in NYC, you would see people out there skating, some with their headphones on and others listening to people playing music on buckets with their sticks. Families just out taking in the sounds and sights.

Liberty State Park in Jersey City, NJ was another place where you could go and chill with your family. Take in the view of the water, Staten Island Ferry and Lady Liberty. You could also find good street food back in those days too. Think Sabrett Hot Dogs and Grape soda.

Another place to go to hear good music was Exchange Place or the Waterfront in Jersey City. Also, on the water. It was much smaller but still you could get a good vibe and hear people playing music out there too.

Lastly, Central Park in NYC you could go there and walk around. Hear music, see people on their skates and riding bikes. Just having a jam session all day.

You didn’t even have to get on the train or bus, you can go on the block and hear some head bangers. If the music wasn’t coming from somebody’s radio you would hear it in cars driving by. It was an experience back in the 80s and 90s.

If you don’t know these artists, please look them up and listen. A lot of this music is still relevant today.

Hip hop music today is not the same. There is a lot of what I call “mumble rap”. Not to say that there aren’t some new artists out there that are good but it is just not the same.


Rest in peace to the ones who left their stamp on the Hip Hop Music Culture:

Jam Master Jay


ODB- Ol’ Dirty Bastard

Craig Mack

Biz Markie


2 Pac

Big Pun

Phife Dawg


My memory is only but so long, so no dis to anyone that I forgot. If you can think of someone not on the list, leave a comment and let me know.