Self Awareness Topic

I Done Told You!

I Done Told You!

Knock before coming in.

Shakira was getting ready for her special date. She had all her “accessories” lined up and ready to go. The wig that she just bought, the fake eyelashes and press on nails were all on the dresser in her bedroom.

Suddenly, as she is sitting there at the vanity, getting pretty she sees her teenage son in the mirror. He had just walked in without knocking.

He got scared at the sight of this “stranger” in his Mom’s room. There Shakira was without her wig, nails and lashes on. No make-up either. He ran out of the room and came back with a baseball bat. “Who are you and what are you doing here?!” he demanded. “Where is my Mom?”

Shakira stood up in her bra and butt pads, turned around to face him then he realized who she was.

She snapped at him, I done told you about coming in my room without knocking first boy!  You don’t listen. Now you got me all riled up. I’m gonna be late getting ready for my date.

Totally embarrassed by walking in and seeing his mom that way, he just walked out and went back to his room. That’s a sight he wants to forget; sooner rather than later.

Lesson learned, never enter a room without knocking. You never know what you will find on the other side of that door.

You have been warned.

Written for Sadje’s prompt #162 WDYS

What do you see # 162- November 28, 2022

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