Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 3, Shoot the Gift

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 3 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 3 is the letter “S” for shoot the gift.


Shoot the Gift

If you have the gift of gab, use it. Let your natural talent be heard. Being lyrically inclined does not come easily to everyone. If you can come up with rhymes off the top of your head, show your skills. Write your poems and do not be shy about it. If you are too shy to perform your lyrical gifts in public. Do it at home, in the shower or in the mirror. Demonstrate your gift in verbal, written or both ways. Try practicing by recording your lyricism or post on your social media platform. The more you practice the more you will perfect your craft. There is so much power in words. If you possess the ability to flow with your words, consider yourself lucky. Speaking through your life helps to change lives.

5 replies on “7 Days to Inspire, Part 3, Shoot the Gift”

Ok 👌 I do this very frequently shoot the gift this was another masterpiece Onika

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