Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Do Not Let It In

Do Not Let It In

Do not let it in
When you hear something scurrying about 
It is so tempting to open the door to investigate
Only to discover when you do
It is none other but the horned figure

The horned figure who is a chameleon
Disguising itself as something other
Other than the green-eyed bandit
Just lying in wait ready to use their pointer

The pointer to out everyone but themselves
When eyes are turned their way
They start to retreat and hide away in the shadow
Voice drops from 3 octaves down to one

One day they are dressed as a psychic
The next as a black belt in karate
Wonder what they will be the next time you see them
Maybe that same horned figure in dirty crocodile shoes

It can be tempting but don’t answer the door
Once the door is open the urge is hard to resist slamming it shut
Let the horned figure stay busy trying to get in
For they have nothing else to do

Do not let it in


Image by David Senior from Pixabay

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