Topic Words of Wisdom

Just Because

Question, why?

August 27th is National Just Because Day. It is day to switch it up and do things, just because. Random acts of kindness are one way to celebrate this day. Do something out of the norm. Be spontaneous. You call the shots. It is a few days away, so put your thinking cap on and come up with things to do on this day.

  • Send a nice gift or a card to a loved one.
  • Pay it forward by paying for someone in the line either ahead or behind you.
  • Treat yourself to something nice that you have been eyeing for a while.
  • Call a friend or family member just to say hello and see how they are doing.
  • Spread the word on social media. Let people know about this special day and many people can get in on it. The more the merrier.
  • Bake a cake from the box mix if you have a sweet tooth. Remember as a child, licking the bowl of batter mix 🙂
  • Wear mixed matched socks.

You get the idea of what this day is all about. So, make it fun and do something just because. Don’t overthink it and do something without any rhyme or reason. You have a few days to plan something if that is what you want to do or just free style it and do what comes to mind on Tuesday, 27th of August.

5 replies on “Just Because”

You know we can always come up with an idea to celebrate and do something kind for others 🙂 You may be right, soon there will something to celebrate everyday, Thank you for the comment, Louis! 😄🙏

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