Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? Why Are You Thankful?

Can You Answer This? Why Are You Thankful? What are you giving thanks for? We have all heard the saying, this is the season for giving. But I pose the question, what are you giving thanks for? Some of us are thankful to have our health and some are thankful to have their pockets full of cash. Material things are nice to have too but they cannot give you a hug or a kiss. You can’t confide in a new car or electronic device. You can’t cry on the shoulder of a new pair of shoes or other clothing items. You get where I’m going with this.

Give Thanks
Image by Kevin Sanderson from Pixabay

Giving is such a great feeling and it benefits both the giver and the
receiver. As the human race, we all have different paths to walk in life, so there are different things that affect us. The thing to remember is that we only get one chance to do this. We don’t get a do-over. So, I ask again; what are you giving thanks for? Personally, I am thankful for the people in my life. Both near and far. So, be it a roof over your head, a job/career, a car to get back and forth, children, spouse, family. Nothing is too small to measure.

Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!!

Stay blessed and be well!