
Nestling Journeys

Journey Awaits
Journeys begin in my head
Far away destinations
Some real some imagined instead
I pack my luggage no hesitation

I'm only going for 3 days
I need six pairs of shoes, 5 dresses
Shades and swimwear for the bays
No need to worry about my tresses

Sleepwear and slippers a must
What about my gym clothes
Oh yeah, pack those too
Glad my hair is braided, no need to fuss

Next journey will be lighter
No need for so many cases
Serene waters so much brighter
Sunglasses will help cover my bases

What's all the ruckus
I want to go where I don't need a car
Just hop on my bike and go
Cycle the scenic route 'til my heart is full

Nestling Journeys is written in response to Sadje's prompt.

Thank you for reading! 🙌🌼

Image credit: Bernhard on Unsplash