
Waiting and How It Changes Us

Waiting! Who has time for that? In today’s world a lot of things are instantaneous. We are expecting everything to happen at the speed of light. Well, I hate to break it to you but, sometimes you have to wait.

  • Patience
  • Peace
  • Creativity
  • Relaxation

We may try to move things along by making phone calls or going to speak to someone in person. This approach does not always work. It’s during those times that we get to regroup and refresh our minds. I know we can become frustrated while waiting but that’s where we begin to have patience.

Patience because we have no choice in that moment. Waiting is a humbling experience too. We think we can control the what’s, when’s and how’s but not always. Some things we can do while waiting are straighten up your dresser or bookshelves. Finish that project you have put off for months.

Let peace enter your life. By doing this we can lessen stress by not having to check our busy schedules. While waiting, do the things you like and not the things you have to do. Just be. When was the last time you were in a state of just being… I’ll wait.

Think about it. While waiting you can learn more about who you are and what things bring you peace. Think about the things that bring a smile to your face. We all have ups and downs. While we are in between those two places, waiting is pivotal. We come to the realization that being normal for a day or two and not over-scheduled is wonderful. That is the peace I’m talking about.

When we lack something and are waiting, this is a time that waiting breeds creativity. A short example is if we do not have gas, we lack the ability to drive our car. We may be waiting for payday to fill up again. Take this time to enjoy yourself. No need to stress about driving across town to do an errand you didn’t want to do in the first place.

Waiting also teaches us that it is not always about us, what we want and when we want it. We lose the sense of entitlement, which is where the humble comes into play. We do not have to fill up every slot on our daily calendars. Our bodies and minds need that time of rest and relaxation.

Has waiting changed you in any way?

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 4, Practice Patience

Image by bknis from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 4 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 4 is the letter “P” for practice patience.


Patience is a virtue right? Lets try practicing patience with ourselves and others. It can be easy to demonstrate patience with others but be so hard on ourselves, at times. We are all in this world trying to navigate and we are learning every day. That is the beauty of life.

If you make a mistake, forgive yourself. It’s not the end of the world. The easier we become at forgiving ourselves, the more we can open our hearts to forgive others. When we are sitting in traffic, have patience. Just think about arriving safely. If the barista is really slow at serving up your drink order, have patience. Maybe he/she is new and trying to learn the job. We all had a first day somewhere, right?

Patience affords us the ability to keep stress away or at least lessen the effects of it. If someone accidentally steps on your sneakers, there is no reason to bring violence into it. Let’s remember to be slow to anger and quick to forgive.