Topic Words of Wisdom

Curate Your Craft

How do you process your creative content? Do you record or write when the thought or idea strikes, or do you curate it until it is just right? Whether your craft is video, blogging or Podcasting. How do you curate your craft? The creative process is not the same for us all. That is what makes it so fun. We all have our own way of doing things. Keeps it interesting.

Which method do you most identify with?

  • The thought strikes and you jot it down right away or record content before the idea escapes. You post it quickly.
  • An idea comes to mind, you create a rough draft. Next, you let it marinate for a day or two. Then, you make a few edits and post.
  • A concept hits you like a brick. You save it and keep adding more to it, until you feel like it is just right. After compiling your data and putting it all together, it’s now day five. You finally post.
  • Or… this one is a doozy. You create your content and frame it up nicely. Publish/post it. After it is posted, you go back and make edits. So many edits, that it changes the meaning of what you were trying to say from the onset.

The examples above demonstrate how creating content can either be a quick process or a long arduous task. It really does not matter as long as you are satisfied with it in the end. Sometimes we feel like the content could have been better, longer, more precise and in-depth. It’s okay, we have other opportunities where we can do just that.

It’s called the “human condition” which makes us feel like we should change it. Make it shorter, add more to it or revamp the entire piece. As long as people enjoy watching, reading and/or listening, it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

Enjoy the creative process. Curate your craft until your heart is content. Smile while doing it and share. You never know who will need to receive what you have put out there in the universe.

Info Topic

Blog or Vlog and the Difference Between the Two

Blog or Vlog and the Difference Between the Two

What is a blog and a vlog? People use the two terms interchangeably. The most basic answer is that a blog is short for web log. It is a collection of writing on a website. Some blogs are specialized and have a theme. You will find blogs about travel, food, relationships, fashion, hobbies, etc. Other blogs have a variety of different topics.

A vlog is a collection of videos. Vlog stands for video log. Most content on vlogs are video shorts and can either be about one particular subject or a vast array of things, similar to blogs.

Now, there are some people who have both videos and writing on their sites. It is all a matter of personal preference. Some who are not comfortable being recorded or speaking on camera will opt for the blog. Also, the more apt and avid writers, usually go for blogging.

Individuals who are not camera shy will do more vlogging. They feel more comfortable and get their message across better to their audience, via videos. Attention spans have shortened these days, so people are more inclined to go for the shortened version of posts. Lately, it seems that some people do not want to read a long article post or watch a long video. Because of this, it is important to create informative, creative and interesting content to keep the reader/watcher engaged.

Things are so compact nowadays. An example of this is the newspaper. Newspaper: what is a newspaper?! Do they sell those anymore? Yes, they do. Just take a look at how thin a newspaper, magazine or circular are now. In the big scheme of things, it makes sense since a lot of information is digital.

How do you like to receive your information? Do you prefer to watch videos or read posts? There is no right or wrong answer, it is just a matter of preference.


Can You Answer This? Artificial Intelligence, yes or no?

How Do You Feel About Using Artificial Intelligence Software for Writing?

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence software for writing. Yes or no?

Do you feel that using artificial intelligence (A.I.) software to write blog content, articles, etc.. is cheating? If you can plug in certain parameters and the software translates it for you, is that being original?

Most people who create content for their blog or other writing usually enjoy the writing process. Coming up with their own ideas and incorporating the exact thoughts that they want to convey.

Using A.I. takes away from that. Sure, it is faster and saves you some time. It does help with grammar and spelling mistakes.

But, I equate that to DJs who use a computer for their set, instead of spinning the vinyl. Or, artists who use ghostwriters for their music.

How do you feel about it?

Topic Words of Wisdom

Blogging Insights, Reaching Out Through Words

Speak Your Piece


” What I’m really concerned about is reaching one person.”

— Jorge Luis Borges

Written in response to Tanya’s prompt

This quote invokes a few thoughts. Blogging, for me, affords a way of reaching the person(s) who may want to read my message. I realize that some topics may not apply to everyone but it’s okay. Knowing that at least one person read my post makes it worth the time. If I can make someone laugh or smile, then great!

Also, I like to pose thought-provoking and fun questions to get input about what others think about a specific topic. It is always interesting to hear what other’s opinions are about the same topic. Hearing feedback from others is important. My hope is that people start thinking about the possibilities for themselves and not give up. If I can give someone that nudge to try something that they have been thinking about, then I have succeeded.

Additionally, I find blogging entertaining and fun. If I can make just one person smile or if I change the outlook of someone’s day, then that is gratifying. When my posts have a positive effect on the reader, it makes me smile as well. Even if the reader doesn’t relate to what I’m writing about, it might spark up new and interesting conversations.

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay