Self Awareness Topic

Mental Health and Well Being

By now, most of you know that the month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  It is the time of year when we check in on our wellbeing. This includes psychological, emotional and physical health.   

What exactly is Mental Health? It is how you feel on a daily basis.  Your overall state of mind.  Are you happy, sad, depressed, feeling anxiety, etc.  Our state of mind determines how well we can adapt and deal with challenges that come our way.

Please know that mental health are two words that are healthy and not dirty words. Some people shy away or feel like those are forbidden words. The more we embrace the concept the better we can understand it. It can lead us to learn more about ourselves and learn to open our minds and hearts.  

How about we assess how we are doing mentally?  I propose an assignment for the next few days.  Keep a journal of how you are feeling. You can use your cell phone or write it in a journal, whichever you choose.  Note any events that caused a change in mood.  An event that made you happy or something that was stressful.   

The purpose is to take note of your general state of mind so that any concerning areas can be addressed.  Depending on how far or deeply you want to go, you can pursue counseling, behavior modification and lifestyle changes.  Try exercising, a change in your eating habits.  Getting on a regular sleep schedule.  Engaging in things that make you most happy.  If that means more social outings, then just do it! Get out more, socialize with friends, family, colleagues.  Your happy place might look very different in comparison to others. You might be most happy at the gym, working out or joining a Yoga class.  Maybe you are a dancer and like to join a Salsa class. 

Mental Health Awareness

  • A-Ask yourself the question, “How am I really feeling?”
  • W- Wake up with a spirit of hope
  • A- Aim to find the positive things in your day
  • R- Relax and be kind to yourself
  • E- Exercise forgiveness of others and yourself
  • N- Negativity has no place in your life
  • E- Express gratitude, be thankful
  • S- Say no when your plate is too full, and you are overwhelmed
  • S- Start looking at the glass as half full and build on that

The month is almost over but that does not mean that we should stop caring about our mental health. We need to be aware of our overall well being all year long. Start today and see what a difference it makes.

Within you is the power to control your happiness.  

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