
Professional Athletes Always Performing

Should professional athletes be on the hook for answering pre and post -game questions by the media? Should they be obligated to constant scrutiny by the public? Yes, is the answer if they are fulfilling a contractual agreement. After all, it’s what they signed up for. Even with that, does the public expect them to conduct speaking engagements, etc.

Do athletes have a safety medium to keep their mental health intact? It seems like they have cameras and mics in their faces, no matter where they go. They can’t even use the facilities without a camera in their mug. I know it sounds funny, but I can’t imagine not having a single moment of peace.

Yes, fans love them and want to see them perform at sporting events. Does that mean the film crew and news outlets have to follow them to the bathroom too?? They go in and as soon as they come out; smile you’re on candid camera!! Wow!

So, the question is whether or not they should be allowed any protection of their mental health and live their private lives or are they obligated to the constant performing, both on and off the court, field, ice, etc.? What do you say? Share your thoughts on the subject.


Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month

Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

May is mental health awareness month and it is a time to bring awareness to the challenges faced by many people across the world. Mental health does not discriminate and can affect individuals of all backgrounds and age groups.

Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month takes place during the month of May. It can be caused by genetics, childhood trauma, physical or emotional abuse. A person with BPD may exhibit dangerous behaviors. Symptoms may manifest by:

  • Abusing substances, like drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Real or imagined feelings of abandonment.
  • Emptiness or feelings of loneliness.
  • Suicidal tendencies.
  • Risky sexual behaviors.
  • Fits of uncontrolled anger.

Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness month is a time to encourage those diagnosed with BPD to talk about and highlight their strengths. The more people can talk about it the more it is understood and can help lessen the stigma. A person with BPD may have trouble with relationships, thinking and overall emotions in stressful moments. Other mental health concerns may occur with BPD.

Seeking help through therapy may lessen the effects of BPD and help the individuals improve their lifestyle. Treatment may include medication depending on the symptoms. Of course, there is no one-size-fits all approach. If you know someone who lives with the disorder this is a good time to learn more about it. Educate yourself and share with others so that it is better understood.

BPD is more prevalent among women. Also, it affects teen and adult populations. Let’s learn about the disorder and show compassion so that people will have hope and feel supported.

Topic Words of Wisdom

Inside the Shell of the Human

Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

Inside the shell of the human is complex. Humans are made up of more than just a shell. More than what you see on the outside. Beneath the skin, lies character, emotions, and the essence of a person. What we see is not always representative of what is inside. Some people are good at camouflaging their feelings. You would never know that something horrific was going on.

If something seems off about someone you know, stop for a minute to ask. Not to say, do an interogation but stop to check on that person. You can’t tell from the outside what people are going through. This time of year brings a lot of emotions and triggers for people. It is not always the happiest of times for everyone.

How to be there for someone

If you see someone going through a hard time, you want to help. The question is, “how do you help?”. It can be tricky when you worry about how the person may respond to your concern. Some people may take it as you being intrusive in their life, some may be offended that you said something, some may be relieved that their feelings are being seen by someone else.

When in doubt about how to help someone who is depressed, grieving, sad or just not themselves, here are some suggestions:

  • Listen, just let them talk and you listen. Sometimes they just want to be heard. Be that ear and/or shoulder to cry on.
  • Be there, let them know that you are there mentally and physically. It is therapeutic for some just to be in the presence of someone who cares. It brings comfort for them to not be alone.
  • Offer to help with everyday chores. If they need help with housework, or a meal or two. Maybe they have errands that they need help with. Make sure to keep your word with this and don’t offer anything you are not willing to actually do.
  • Don’t judge; it might seem like something small to you but it obviously feels different for them.
  • Offer resources like any local places, online sites, or phone numbers where they can connect with someone.
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

In conclusion

Unless you are a licensed professional, it is hard to tell what a person needs in order to feel better. It is difficult to see a friend or loved one going through something and not know what to do. Just use your best judgement and try your best to help.

Inside the shell of the human holds many things. This time of year can be extremely difficult for many people. Just be mindful of this and keep that in the forefront of your mind. Mental health is not something a lot of people want to discuss, but it is very important. Of course, take care of yourself first. Otherwise, you cannot be good for others if you, yourself are not good.


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Info Self Awareness Topic

Mental Health

Check out Tha Du-Ja Show. This episode is about Mental Health.

Congratulations to Duquan Hicks and Aa-son Jasim for 1 year of their awareness podcast. Keep it up and much success to you both!!

Some of the topics they have covered include social injustice, dating, an interview with DJ Shakim, loose conversation, and the latest episode on Mental Health. Check out their YouTube channel, Tha Du-Ja Show to see other episodes. Enjoy!

Self Awareness Topic

Just for Men: Check Yourself for Good Health

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

This is just for men; check yourself for good health. Let’s talk about it. This is for all the dads, uncles, nephews, brothers, sons and cousins. We all know that men pride themselves for being the protectors and providers of the family. You have to be strong. Yes, this is true to some degree. Because you are such an important part of the foundation of family, we need you to be around. We need you to be healthy, not just for family but for yourself. This is an appeal to you, to take care of your health before it is too late.

Put your testosterone aside. Leave the machismo at home for a minute. Drop the bravado. There are things that need to be checked for health reasons and longevity in life. Even if you do not have any symptoms and think that everything is fine; get a check up anyway. You may be thinking to yourself; I don’t need nobody poking at me, looking at things that ain’t none of their business. Please put that notion aside for a minute.

Ladies, please urge all the men in your life to get a check up.

Let’s look at some conditions that black men face.

Heart Disease and African Americans

African Americans are more prone to heart disease and are at higher risk for developing heart issues. 44% of African American men have some form of heart disease. Some other conditions that contribute to this are diabetes, hypertension, obesity and high cholesterol levels. Some ways to stay ahead of this is by getting regular check ups and knowing the specific health risks for you.

Check your blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol. All of these things combined will give a better overall picture about your heart health.

Be pro-active and get more physical exercise, eat a healthier diet and drink more water.

Prostate Health and You

Please consider getting a prostate exam. Talk to your healthcare provider about your risks for prostate cancer. The earlier this condition is found the better the chances are for treatment. Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer among men. Also, it is one of the leading causes of cancer death in men. Especially, men of a certain age should consider talking to their doctor about this. Just because all of your parts are working does not mean everything is everything. Some types of prostate cancer have no symptoms at all. Compared to white men, the number of new prostate cancer cases in Black men is 60% higher.

Prostate Cancer: Statistics | Cancer.Net

Mental Health Awareness

Many black men face mental health disorders. Anxiety disorders, depression, mood disorders and PTSD; just to name a few. Some men were not taught how to process and express their emotional feelings. As a result, many start to feel angry, resentful and isolated. It may have something to do with holding things in and not wanting to be vulnerable. Also, within the black community there is distrust with medical professionals. This adds to the barriers of seeking professional help when needed. If you are a man who does not trust medical professionals, talk to someone you know and trust.

A lot of men feel the financial pressures of providing for their families. So, when money problems occur, they are hesitant to speak on this. Some are afraid that they may be perceived as being weak. It takes strength in order to want to get help and tackle the situation, rather than let it linger on and on. It helps to get it out. Talking about issues that you are facing can reduce anxiety and stress. It is okay to talk about these things without the stigma that exists within the black community. Therapy or counseling is a taboo subject in the black community. It is not something that is openly discussed and rarely brought up at all.

Diabetes and What to Know

Type 2 diabetes is more common in men compared to women. 90-95% of people with diabetes has type 2. Diabetes can lead to other problems with vision, kidney disease and heart disease. Type 2 diabetes is preventable and if you already have it, it can be managed with lifestyle changes, diet and/or medication. Poorly controlled diabetes increases blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Some ways to prevent diabetes

  • Drink plenty of water. The more water you drink helps to avoid intake of extra sugar from other drinks.
  • Get regular exercise. More physical activity helps to keep blood sugar levels under control. Choose activity that you like to do and something that you will stick with for the long haul.
  • Watch portion sizes and try to eat a low-carb diet. By lessening your carb intake your body will require less insulin to maintain your blood sugar level.

Some ways to manage diabetes

  • Monitor blood pressure- try to maintain a reading of 130/80 or below.
  • Check cholesterol levels-try to keep the LDL (bad level) less than 100 mg/dl.
  • Check hemoglobin A1C- this reading shows how well blood sugar is being managed in the body. A level of less than 7 reduces the risk of damage to eyes and kidneys.

As you can see, heart disease, prostate health, mental health and diabetes are very important things to monitor. These are real things that happen to real people. The sooner you keep tabs on your health, the better your chances are of improving your health. Remember, we need you to be around. To be here and healthy!