Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Nappy and Happy; a Renewed Perspective

Nappy and Happy; a Renewed Perspective

Photo by SUNDAY II SUNDAY on Unsplash

Nappy and happy; a renewed perspective describes the sentiments of better health and vitality. The crown, better known as our hair, is something that most women pride themselves about. It is a part of who we are and our identity. Arguably, too much emphasis is sometimes put on hair. Depending on your heritage and upbringing you may agree or disagree on this subject.

Putting hair over health is something that happens often but no one acknowledges that fact. Personally, I have seen many times that physical health/self-care takes a back seat due to not wanting to “sweat one’s hair out”. Sweating your hair out, is not welcome because you invest a lot of money and time into your hair. Why then would you risk messing it up with sweat from physical activity? You know, the kind of activity that is essential to long life and health. Why on earth would anyone want to do that? Crazy right?

Renewed Perspective

If you are someone who has decided to incorporate more physical activity and exercise into your life, you understand the benefits of doing so. Being healthy, feeling good, getting in shape and knowing that exercise/physical self-care is important is a hard pill to swallow for some. The healthier you become the happier you are too.

Personally, I have begun to make self-care a priority, instead of an option. Inconsistency with exercise was the road I travelled. Knowing that life is short, and I have no idea how long I have to be on earth is why I can say that I am nappy and happy. Of course, you can get hair styles that are more friendly with working out and are easy to maintain. For me, I would rather have improved health and vitality than great hair and bad health.

What is your take on great hair versus bad health? Do you feel that we can only have one over the other or both great hair and great health? How do you take care of your crown while maintaining good health?

4 replies on “Nappy and Happy; a Renewed Perspective”

I am nappy and happy too 🙂 but the truth is I’m out of shape! Before I went natural 15 years ago sweat was a bad word if it had anything to do with my hair lol but every since I went natural, moisture in my hair has been my friend 🙂 I spend about $130.00 every 6 weeks on my hair, I could invest more on healthy food or do some exercise, a gym membership maybe. I obsess more over my body than my hair for sure. Thanks for this post, it definitely has planted a seed about how much I put into my hair compared to my health. It is so hard to stay in shape when some fat just sticks to spots lol, belly and butt lol and I love good food, the greasy kind, the kind I’ve been raised on by my granny as an african american women. Do you do anything particular other than exercise? Any suggestions on particular food that taste good but is healthy?

LaToya, I too share your struggle with food. For me, I love junk food. Going natural with the hair is definitely an eye-opener for me. I have to battle with my hair, it is a chore, lol ☺ As far as eating healthy, I have tried having hard boiled eggs at breakfast or in a salad. Also, yogurt daily or every other day and drinking as much water as you can. I try to limit soda since it is nothing but empty calories and sugar. Grilling food instead of frying is another option. Thank you for sharing and I hope this helps. 🙏🧡

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