
The Allure of Love

Rose-symbol of love
Is it hard to wonder
why people shy away
weather like lightning and thunder
resembling romance and all its blunder

Being swept off your feet
Knowing love is there
Dreams to never give into defeat
To commit is something concrete

When you know it is so fun
Romance is beautiful and serene
Shining bright like the sun
Don't let overcast think it has won

Image by Shirley Mwanje from Pixabay

The Allure of Love was written in response to a word prompt by Sammi Cox. The challenge is to write a piece using the word commit in exactly 64 words.

4 replies on “The Allure of Love”

Ok you are tapping into your inner self which is great 👍 creative minds and thoughts and you used a W word lol keep up the great work O’NIKA

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