
Father’s Day- Two Thousand Twenty Three

June 18, 2023-Father’s Day

Fathers are such an integral part of the family. We look to them to be the providers and to be the strength as protectors. Besides that, they are people too and as such need to feel appreciated and loved. We often place more emphasis on Mother’s Day, but fathers are important too. On Sunday, let your dad know just how special he is to you.

For years fathers have been caretakers of the family and have really stepped into and embraced this role. Some fathers do not get the recognition they deserve. On Father’s Day, which is usually the 3rd Sunday in June, call your father and all the fathers you know. Wish them blessings for a happy Father’s Day. It will lift them up and make them feel good about their role.

Depending on where you live in the world, there are a myriad of ways to celebrate. Some people give gift cards or buy gifts. Some popular gifts are work tools, ties, car accessories, or grooming products. For the Dads who love to grill out, you can gift some items for the “grill master”.

Another way to celebrate your father or father figure is to spend time with him. Time is something precious that we can never get back and what better way to show your love than to spend some time with Dad.

If it is not physically possible to see your Dad; talk to him in prayer. Remember those favorite things about him that make you smile. Play his favorite song, wear his favorite color, make him a greeting card and keep it in remembrance of him. Whatever you choose to do, make it special.

Image credit: Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay

Info Topic

December is the Season

Farmer’s Day (Dec 2) Ghana

Image by David from Pixabay

The first Friday in December is recognized as Farmer’s Day in Ghana. This day is to recognize the farming and fishing industries. Agriculture is an important part of this region of Africa. It is a week-long occasion marked by festivals and networking events. Not only is agriculture important in Ghana but also in other parts of the world.  Bushfires in the early 80s led to food shortages. The destruction of crops is what prompted the government to get involved.  Let us honor farmers and fishermen that bring us nutritious food.  Agriculture provides a strong foundation for the well-being of everyone.  Also, it has a great impact on the economy.

Happy Birthday Sagittarians and Capricorns

Happy Birthday
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Jay Z (Dec 4)

Happy Birthday Jay Z! He is an American Rapper married to recording artist Beyonce Knowles. His music career started with Reasonable Doubt in 1996. He is an example and an inspiration for anyone who aspires to change their life around. He started from humble beginnings in Brooklyn, NY and look at him now! ” What more can I say?”, from The Black Album.

Denzel Washington (Dec 28)

Happy Birthday Denzel Washington! Who doesn’t know Denzel? He is a talented actor with a long and successful career in movies and TV. He has such a presence about him in his roles on the screen. It doesn’t hurt that he is easy on the eyes. He is the first African American actor to win two Academy Awards.

“Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.” – Denzel Washington

National Re-Gifting Day (Dec 15)

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The jury is still out on this one. I found that National Re-gifting day occurs on the third Thursday in December, which would be the 15th. Also, I have found some sources say it falls on the Thursday right before Christmas, which would be the 22nd. There is an actual day set aside for this, who knew? I learn something new all the time. Anyway, I asked the question about a month ago; What is your take on re-gifting? Not a lot of people expressed their opinion on the subject. I suspect, it may be out of fear of being judged by others. National Re-gifting day is a chance to recycle or re-use some items that may not otherwise get to be enjoyed by someone.

National Coquito Day (Dec 21) Puerto Rico

Photo by Maria Moledo on Unsplash

December 21 is National Coquito Day. Coquito is a Puerto Rican holiday drink. You will not find two coquito recipes that are alike. It is the island’s version of eggnog. Rum, cream of coconut and condensed milk are the main ingredients. This drink is guaranteed to get you in the holiday spirit. Please enjoy in small quantities, as this is a potent holiday concoction. Small sips only, don’t get a big mug or glass and think you are going to get up and walk afterwards ;-)Not only can you enjoy this with family and friends but also Coquito can be given as a gift.

National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Don’t Drink, Drug and Drive

December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention month. There are an increased number of impaired drivers on the road around the holiday season, Christmas, New Year’s Eve. The spike in accidents and deaths attributes to people thinking they are ok to drive after getting together for parties and celebrating with libations. Although, there is nothing wrong with enjoying alcoholic beverages, do it in a responsible way. If you are out and know you have had one too many, take a taxi, Uber or have someone else drive you. If you are in walking distance, walk home. Have a designated driver. Getting behind the wheel after drinking and drugging has proven to be fatal, time and time again. Give everyone the chance to live life and have fun by not driving while impaired.

Christmas (Dec 25)

Merry Christmas
Photo by Alin Andersen on Unsplash

The day Jesus Christ was born, also known as Christmas. Christmas is celebrated in many ways. For those who do observe this day, it holds a special significance. Some people go to church, some families gather around the Christmas tree and exchange gifts. Christmas dinner is also a tradition on this day. The country has strayed a little from the religious aspect of December 25th and its meaning. This day has become very commercialized. Different countries have their own way of celebrating this holiday. One thing that is notable is all the decorations, inside homes and outside. Check out a local Christmas light display in your area. This is a very uplifting time of year, with the songs, lights, decorations, and gifts.

Kwanzaa (Dec 26-Jan 1)

Image by RODNAE Productions on Pexels

Kwanzaa is an African American celebration. However, you don’t have to be African American to take part in the festivities. Children are very much a part of this celebration. Even though gifts are given during Kwanzaa it is primarily based on the seven principles. Purpose, creativity, economics, unity, faith, self-determination and responsibility. Each day a candle is lit and families talk about one of the seven principles. Every principle has a corresponding symbolic gift which consist of ears of corn, a mat made of straw, a communal cup which stands for unity, fruits and veggies. Some people don traditional African clothing during Kwanzaa. On New Year’s Eve, Dec 31 a communal feast called karamu is held.

December image credit- Guneet Jassal on Unsplash

Info Topic

Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas

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Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas.

Happy Holidays and Happy shopping! The holiday shopping season is well underway. If you hit a snag and can’t think of a gift to buy for someone, look no further. These black owned businesses have interesting items for women and men. You can find clothing, home items, jewelry, and sleep wear. Check them out and you might find that perfect one-of-a-kind gift. These sites have items from basic everyday essentials to custom made apparels. You will find price points from affordable to expensive. Maybe you want to treat yourself to a Christmas gift. Take a look.

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Image Credit: Adrian from Pixabay

Diversity Topic

Three Kings Day

Photo by Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash

Today, January 6th is Three Kings Day! Today is also known as Epiphany or El Día de Reyes. I just want to take a minute to recognize today since I am Boricua too. Although, I am still learning about the traditions of this holiday. I have my Titi in Puerto Rico to thank for keeping me up to date with the culture. This day marks the end of the Christmas holiday celebrations. Three Kings Day is celebrated in Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, Argentina and Peru, just to name a few.

As you can imagine, the celebrations involve family. It also involves gifts for the children. During this holiday some traditional dishes are arroz con gandules, pasteles, and roasted pork. Add to that, Puerto Rican eggnog which is called Coquito (little coconut). Another tradition is caroling (parrandas) while singing aguinaldos or Christmas songs. Some musical instruments used during a parranda are maracas, guitar, cuatros and guiros. Wepa!