Topic Words of Wisdom

Lost Memories of Yesteryear

Lost Memories of Yesteryear

Open me, open me
What is inside
The suspense is killing me
Taking me on a wild ride

A new pair of shoes
A new dress
My mind is wandering
Let me take a guess

Open me, open me
But please don't shake
The sound may give it away
What has taken a long time to make

A photo album 
put together nicely
Fond memories of yesteryear
Nothing too pricey

Open me, open me
If you get lonely or sad
Just look at the pictures
You will be glad you had

Memories of yesteryear
what a joy to see
lost in the back of my mind
What a delight to finally find

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt #166 WDYS

Image credit: Monstera at Pexels

7 replies on “Lost Memories of Yesteryear”

Great poetry or should say poem it s great when words can become a great influence on how we express ourselves

What's on your mind